Heart of the Matter, Susan Kochevar, September 18, 2015

Station: KLZ, 56o AM

Show:     Heart of the Matter, with the Americhicks          (Molly Vogt and Kim Munson)

Guests:  Kochevar

Link:      https://soundcloud.com/the-heart-of-the-matter

Date:      September 18, 2015


Click Here for Audio – Part 1

Click Here for Audio – Part 2

[The following are quoted excerpts and paraphrased notes from the show which was guest-co-hosted by Susan Kochevar]

HOST MOLLY VOGT:  [(RE:  Syrian refugees) We know that people want to hurt America

FROM REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT WATCH, ANN CORCORAN:  […] of 1400 who have come so far the vast majority are Sunni Muslims […] Number of refugees is mind blowing […] They can’t be screened – according to the FBI

HOST KIM MUNSON:  Mostly men – what kind of character to leave wives and kids???

CORCORAN:   The number one language group of refugees is Arabic – very expensive for schools and healthcare] […]


SMALL BUSINESS OWNER, CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO PRODUCER, AND CANDIDATE FOR COLORADO HOUSE DISTRICT 29, SUSAN KOCHEVAR:  This is Susan Kochevar. One of the questions– or, one of the things I’ve seen, is that businesses are having to put up signs to tell people how to use the restrooms.

CORCORAN: Oh, that doesn’t surprise me.  We haven’t seen that here, yet.

Very third world.

HOST KIM MUNSON:  And you are seeing that here in Colorado?

KOCHEVAR:  No, In some of these resettlement states or cities

CORCORAN: Oh, it doesn’t surprise me.  I mean, I’ve heard some Real horror stories. For example, Somalis coming in and not knowing how to use the gas stove , so they get wakes out in the backyard and they put them on top of the burner when they like the burners [ laughs] so that they’re burning wood on top of the stove. I mean, we shouldn’t even laugh about it. It’s really pretty outrageous, what’s going on. Um, but there is hope. I don’t want to leave your listeners thinking there is no, you know, – this is a frustrating situation going on

  • [Talking about pockets of resistance to refugee relocation
    • Twin Falls, ID
    • Spartenburg, SC
    • Maryland
    • “Welcoming America Co”  — their job is to keep squawking down, with propoganda
    • […]
    • Teachers speaking Arabic will be teaching your children
    • Get your kids out of public schools]

[…]  @49:30

HOST MOLLY VOGT:  […] What’s the most important thing on your mind needing to be addressed by Presidential candidates

KOCHEVAR:  I would like to see them address the Issues of the Constitution and make sure that they sort of understand the role of government. I guess watching the debates last night I was sort of disappointed because the media kept asking questions to get the candidates to fight instead of issues. You know it’s sort of hard to tell where they stand on the issues when they’re beating up on Donald Trump and talking about Carly’s face.  These are non-issues. You know, When Barack Obama was running it was “hope” and “change” and people were interested in that because they were frustrated. They forgot to look at the policies. So I want to hear about the policies.

  • I agree. I thought it was strange, too. I was watching CNN, I’m like, “Okay, the last debate it was Fox News, and they were asking hard questions of the candidates directly.” So it was the candidate and then the moderator having this discussion and this debate back and forth. But last night, on CNN, it seems like the moderator was saying, “hey! Donald Trump, Ted Cruz said this about you. And Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz said this about you.” So, you know, it was back and forth and back and forth. And It was like encouraging them to fight with each other rather than actually all of them come up and share with us their ideas for how to fix this country.
    • Yeah. It was silly high school stuff. I mean, maybe even junior high.
    • Yeah. There are serious issues facing us today. We want to make sure that the people that are running for this office understand the issues and have an idea as to how to work towards fixing them.
      • Yeah, and understand the role of government.
      • Right. So, One of the things we thought would be important, was to bring Pete Sepp on. He is the president of the national taxpayers Union. And I’m not sure if you’re familiar with them but they are nonpartisan research educational organization, and they do analysis sewing Americans how taxes, government spending, and regulations affect them. And they are really revealing what the government is costing taxpayers, which is a lot of money. And the economy is hard enough. It is hard enough for us to stretch our dollars and afford our goods so if we put people into office that want to spend more money than we have, it’s not a good thing. So we invited him on to talk to us about the first GOP debate and the second GOP debate and to give us analysis on the fiscal policies, Pete, thanks for joining us today
        • great to be here!
      • Thanks so much! Do you mind, just give us quickly an update on what the national taxpayer Union, and what you’ve all been looking at, and where they can go to find your information. And then let’s dig in
        • sure. National taxpayers Union is a nonprofit nonpartisan citizen group founded back in 1969 to work for low and reasonable taxes, limited government, and accountability from officials at all levels. Renowned for being able to cost out the platforms agendas of candidates seeking office at the federal level not only for president but at Senate and Congress to we analyze we put a price tag on it. That’s what we do. In the simplest problem terms. We analyze the debates last night
      • give us a teaser
        • well Carly said she would start rebuilding the missile defense program in Poland
        • $780 million a year, in fact
      • tell us what that means
        • […] This is aimed at blunting Russia’s nuclear
      • what else do you have what about what about Donald Trump and his immigration cost
        • well there is actually several items that are possible in Donald Trump’s immigration plan. He has said, for example, he wants to build a wall – a wall that works. Well, there’s been a lot of data being reported recently by the immigration and customs enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security, and the most credible proposal on how much it would cost to build a double-walled fence that would at least keep most pedestrians from crossing the border – not types of vehicles – would be $2.5 billion a year, over at least five years. And that is the current cost per mile of building double fencing to keep pedestrians out if there is a lot more work involved in getting rights-of-way from property owners or if the construction cost start to rise because of materials getting more expensive the price tag rises as well. And there’s another qupte because Donald Trump, second of all, we have 2.88 billion per year
      • KOCHEVAR:  okay and he also mentioned that illegal immigration, as it stands right now – just the people we are allowing to live in this country – is costing us hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Is that correct? Do you have a number on that?
        • Entitlement programs, earned income credits, numerous other benefit programs
        • the estimates of how many illegal immigrants are in the country and who would leave, that is what is really going to drive the amount of savings. I have seen estimates as low as two to $3 billion and as high as $20-$30 billion so there’s a lot of variables as to how much the savings would be
      • is that an annual constant tenure cost?
        • It’s an annual cost
        • some illegals pay Social Security and Medicare taxes so you might actually have revenues lost going to the fact that they would no longer be here
      • also I think there was one person that talked about the fair tax last night
        • former Gov. Mike Huckabee he has been a forward-looking candidate advocating for the fair tax plan
        • consumer tax anything you buy for final consumption would be taxable at a rate of about 23% – a high rate of tax
      • right. And it’s also harder to watch those tax rates, when they’re all divided out like that. If you have one rate, it’s easier to watch, however your businesses are still your tax collectors
        • yes
      • and imagine all the money we could save just every year on just not having to spend so much money and so much time with our accountants trying to figure out our taxes. That would be a savings too
      • [commercial break]
      • flat tax. I have a question. We saw that tell Rand Paul was on the stage and he has a tax plan how does that – would that cost taxpayers or save taxpayers?
        • Oh, save taxpayers
        • I think his plan would deliver savings to most Americans via establishing a much simpler system it’s not a flat rate it would still have to rates of tax and there would still be some complications among some of the deductions that could be taken but by and large there is a great deal of tax simplification in Sen. Paul’s plan.
      • Okay. So, which one do you think would make the most sense for the most Americans to save money?
        • A properly structured fair tax plan would be the most visible and accountable type of tax reform
      • there are a lot of people who make money under the table, not only illegal aliens, that are working in this country but other people that just don’t want to work for the system and they are doing things cash hand-to-hand they’re not paying taxes that are not reporting taxes and so were coverings that for them but then they go out and buy a really nice car of really nice motorcycle or something like that you know for themselves for their family for their friends. Seems like this fair tax might be a way to actually start to get people who aren’t paying any taxes at all to actually start to contribute to the system what you think?
        • Yes of course for the wealthy too
      • [commercial break]
      • SK: that’s right. Because, you know, Pete, all customers – all citizens – pay taxes to things they buy. And some times those taxes they pay are kind of hidden. When I collect money from my customers, they’re allsp going to pay employment taxes, and other things like that. So, will this fair tax or the flat tax – will eliminate those deductions, or how will those things get paid?
        • Under fair tax,  all those taxes are eliminated and replaced with a sales tax all small business embedded tax costs would disappear
        • if you miss a payroll tax filing, tax officials come down on you like 10 tons of bricks
      • they do! And compliance is very confusing. I have a friend that missed a payroll tax filing and when she went to pay it, you can’t just write a check anymore. If you missed it then you have to go through their electronic funds transfer. So you have to call in and get a special number and get on the computer and get a special number but the top of the form says stop make sure you don’t order the pin number. So if you call to get the pin number you’re just sent to a recording. It is such a mess! Meanwhile you’re being fined. It’s incredible, the mess we have.
        • Yes a 100% penalty
      • MV: the more money you can keep the more research and development hire more people get our country up and running again
      • SK: yeah and those employment forms you have to fill out and submit all the income tax you collect as an employer take a lot of time and when you are just starting out a business you can’t afford to hire a floor of accountants to comply with all the stuff the compliance is massive and very costly so it keeps people from starting their own businesses
      • flat tax and fair tax makes sense if we want these small businesses to start competing again
        • repealing Obama care to save money
        • all of them would repeal Obama care
        • total impact of getting rid of Obama care dwarfs all of the savings we been able to track so far 95.4 billion
      • VOGT:  illegal immigration is costing Americans around 200 billions+ per year. Obama care is costing us about hundred billion dollars per year.
      • What about the Democrats Bernie Clinton have they come up with any plans that will help the economy get money back into the economies into people’s households or are they going to take more of it how does their plan look like
        • Clinton has been glib about federal budget different from her previous campaign for president
        • when she was in the Senate seat averaged an agenda to increase federal spending by $226 billion per year
      • Heidi Ganahl – mom of 4, entrepreneur, I was able to grow a great business Camp Bow wow hundred million dollar brand I’m worried sick that my kids aren’t going to have the same opportunities to do that
      • KOCHEVAR:  I understand that because you started this business from scratch only in America you have the opportunity to achieve what you have achieved America is a very special place and many people risked their lives to come here because they want the same opportunity we want to make sure we continue that for everyone going forward so what is it that you think we need to make sure this presidential candidate ensures us so that other people can build $100 million brand like you
        • Carly
        • getting government out of our way lowering the tax rate the key to solving problems like hunger and poverty
      • oh I couldn’t agree more. This is Susan cultivar. You know, capitalism and the ability for individuals to start their own businesses, even something simple, gives dignity and lets people realize their hopes and dreams. There is the story about the lady could braid hair and she wanted to go out and do that and she was very good, but soon the regulatory agencies came by and said you can’t do that you need to have a license and you need to have two go to beauty school. She couldn’t afford to do that. So she’s sitting at home trying to figure out how to feed their kids. It keeps them on the system. And it’s not fair to them
        • I agree
        • who knew they would regulate how many people you have to have in the play yard with the dogs it’s more strict than daycare
        • they said it was a feeling that led them to that number – it raised our costs 15-20%
        • that feeling just this incentivized people from opening businesses
      • KOCHEVAR:  Right. That’s one of the biggest problems I see with these regulatory bodies. They look at something – take ice-skating for example – they would look at that and say no way can you skate around on a thin blade. Or I’ve had people say if I wanted to open a drive-in in another city, they would say, well you know that screen is going to be a giant distraction to anybody along the road. And they won’t stop to realize that say, if you’re looking at a state like Las Vegas they have giant screens with dancing girls on them and yet drivers don’t crash. So just because you can make up all the problems in the world, it won’t necessarily ever happen
        • the presidential candidates leading are outsiders they are business people
      • MV:  our founding fathers went in to do their job and they wanted to get back to work they had real jobs outside of DC or Pennsylvania.  It wasn’t a lifelong process to stay in the ruling class. Where is the limit for regulations now you’re just stifling growth and limiting business owners and they can grow their businesses.I think real life experiences important
      • while she started out her comments by saying that her husband and her work semi-drivers semi truck drivers so you know she’s sort of saying I’m kind of grounded
        • yeah, she is. And running Hewlett-Packard she had to make tough decisions
        • I had to lay off some of my closest family and friends when the recession hit
        • if she hadn’t had laid off those folks been there wouldn’t have been a business to employ the remaining tens of thousands of people and keep the business operating so it hurts my heart when I hear people say that but if you’re laying off to keep the business going some more people can have jobs and more people can be self-sustaining then I think that makes sense
      • right.
      • KOCHEVAR:  well, the argument getting is that we owe it to ourselves and it’s really not going to work in the end. All of our money is backed by debt right now and it’s such a bad thing so and I don’t think I heard any candidate say that last night
      • reducing spending of our money
      • KOCHEVAR:  Obama care does not give better healthcare
      • KOCHEVAR:  [the money we spend on Obama care and illegal immigration] that’s all that so you have to pay interest on that debt. And I didn’t hear how the Federal Reserve voted today but if they voted to increase the interest rate then we have to pay more in debt you know you paid a service that debt at an increased interest rate and art that goes way up and where in some serious trouble there
      • KOCHEVAR:  and that’s the problem with these big regulatory bodies. Because those are people who are totally unaccountable. If you don’t like something that somebody does, and their elected you can vote them out. But when we have these giant regulatory bodies like the people in the RS or any of these regulatory bodies. You can’t go and just vote them back out. You’re stuck.
      • Alphabet soup of regulatory agencies
      • KOCHEVAR:  the hidden governments I call it and its massive Leviathan. [About the [goals King mine spill] well I heard the other day that their solution to this problem is to build a whole new water treatment plant sort of below all of that mess is that the best solution actually? I’d really like to talk to some of these private companies and find out what is the best most practical solution for cleaning that water you know the EPA can just throw a bunch of tax money on it