Conservative radio hosts weakly clarify “projected” versus “actual” state spending
It’s one thing for Tea Party talk-radio hosts to assault my ear drums with noise about the federal budget deficit. I can handle that.
But my head starts to spin when they say Colorado has a budget deficit, forgetting the small detail that we have a state constitution that specifically disallows deficit spending.
Last week (5/17), for example, the angry guys on KLZ’s Grassrooots Colorado (560 AM, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.) stated:
Co-host Ken Clark: The state of Wisconsin has a budget deficit. Until Walker took over they were running a budget deficit. Same is true for California. Same is true for Colorado. Same is true for New York. Probably better than 30-40 states are running a budget deficit. There are a very few that are in the black.
Co-host Jason Worley: I think there are between three and five that are in the black.
Actually, a majority of states are in the black, like CO.
So I emailed Worley to ask that he correct his erroneous statement on his next show.
“I’m gonna run with facts as I research them,” he replied via email. “Given, we adjusted spending, but see attached. Also Tell Sen Heath we don’t have a deficit.”
He sent me a link showing that Colorado and other states have projected deficits but failing to prove his point that Colorado is actually running a deficit.
I pointed this out to Worly in an email, and he responded:
I noted on the show yesterday that we said budget deficit, not deficit spending. I get the subtle difference, but it should be noted that if revenue changes in a negative direction all that work means nothing. We will be more precise in the words we choose.
On the air, Worley said he got a “fact-check” email from me noting that Colorado is not “deficit spending” and that he replied to me by saying, “no, we have a budget deficit; I understand the structural differences between the two, thank you.”
Not exactly the correction and explanation you’d want, but it’s something. I’m waiting for Worley and Clark’s on-air explanation of projected versus actual spending at the state level.