Reporters should expect Gardner to co-sponsor Life at Conception Act soon
Republican Sen. Cory Gardner spent a good chunk of his election campaign telling us that the Life at Conception Act was really nothing more than a symbolic statement, when, in fact, it is federal personhood legislation that would ban all abortion, even for rape.
Gardner infamously described the Life at Conception Act, which he co-sponsored, this way, despite widespread objections by reporters:
Gardner: “The federal act that you are referring to is simply a statement that I believe in life.”
So you’d expect him to co-sponsor the U.S. Senate version of the bill, as he did in the House.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has just given him the chance, having introduced the Life at Conception Act just this week, as announced in a news release that described the legislation this way:
Paul: “The Life at Conception Act legislatively declares what most Americans believe and what science has long known – that human life begins at the moment of conception, and therefore, is entitled to legal protection from that point forward. Only when America chooses, remembers, and restores her respect for life will we rediscover our moral bearings and truly find our way.”
But Gardner isn’t a co-sponsor yet.