Don’t forget about the local public affairs programs on TV
This falls in the category of small-minded media criticism, but when you consume the same TV and radio shows over and over again, the small stuff can start eating at your brain.
That’s what the introduction to KBDI Channel 12’s otherwise excellent public affairs show, “Colorado Inside Out,” has been doing to me lately. The weekly show starts with:
“Welcome to Colorado Inside Out, the public affairs roundtable that brings together informed journalists, pundits, and activists to break down the issues that matter here in Colorado.”
What’s so bad about this, you might wonder. It has something to do with hearing the phrase, “informed journalists, pundits, and activists” over and over, especially since the line doesn’t give viewers any information that’s not immediately clear once the show gets started and the camera hits Westword’s Patricia Calhoun and the smirking Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute.
I reached the tipping point the other night, as I watched Calhoun deliver the intro, when she was subbing for regular host Raj Chohan. Calhoun has been around a long time and has managed to fight off staleness, and she looked like she was handing us petrified wood.
I dropped a line to Colorado Public Television Producer Dominic Dezzutti, and he replied that he’d been thinking of changing the opening line.
“The more elaborate open is an artifact of when the show was initially transferred from Peter Boyles to Raj Chohan,” he emailed me. “Frankly, it’s been an idea in my head recently to change or cut it.”
This puny criticism aside, Colorado Inside Out is the best of bunch of excellent public affairs shows on local television. It manages to be both informative and entertaining.
Colorado Public Television’s regular lineup and specials reflects its commitment to public affairs programming. Other shows on Channel 12 include “Studio 12” and “Devil’s Advocate with Jon Caldara.” (I have to admit that I enjoy this show, even though it absurdly presents the Independent Institute’s Caldara as the moderator, and it’s under-written by Caldara’s right-leaning organization.)
Other local public affairs prgrams are: KRMA Channel 6’s “Colorado State of Mind,” 9News’ “Your Show,” and HarberTV’s “Aaron Harber Show,” which often addresses national topics.
Fox 31’s “Zappolo’s People” addresses lots of public affairs topics, too.
Check them all out.