Denver Post editor wants your questions and corrections

If I were in charge of a newspaper like The Denver Post, as part of my survival strategy, I’d do everything I could to try to explain to readers how much thought and effort goes into producing the content. It’s what people are paying for; yet they’re mostly clueless about it, and have nowhere to turn with their questions.

So the Denver Post’s new video segment, called “Ask the Editor,” is welcome. It features Post Editor Greg Moore responding to questions submitted by viewers and readers.

Recent editions, which can be found on Moore’s Editor’s Desk blog, addressed coverage of homelessness, typos, newsprint quality, and why The Post doesn’t have a reader’s representative.

As a sample, I offer you an excerpt of a  Jan. 27 discussion between Moore and host Molly Hughes.

Molly Hughes: Let us know what you’re curious about, and we’ll work to get an anwer. Denver Post Editor Greg Moore will answer as many questions as possible right here on this DPTV [Denver Post Television] set….

Moore: [Responding to a reader who complained about an error that was not corrected] “Call me directly. If any reader calls and leaves a message about incorrect information that’s published in the paper or online, if you don’t get a response, call me. I take all calls. So, we will correct it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.”

Hughes: That was kind of the impetus for our even doing this. You were saying you’re constantly getting calls.

Moore: Exactly. I try to talk to at least five readers every day. It’s instructive for me. But it also makes a difference, I think, when people can talk to me directly and get a response. I think we leave as friends.

Hughes: Greg will answer as many questions as time allows.

So send your questions to Moore here. And if you see errors, fight all the way to the top to have them corrected. Hold Moore to his promise, which you’d expect to hear, but sometimes don’t, from any journalist.

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