Boyles has “no intention to back away from this story”

Colorado is blessed to have a national leader of the birther movement, which is digesting today’s surprise release of Obama’s birth certificate.

That would be KHOW talk show host Peter Boyles.

So his response is probably an indicator of where these birther folks will go now.

On his radio show about 15 minutes ago, Boyles said, “I have no intention to back away from this story….I still have made a list of about 20 other things….”

He said this was Obama’s “Nixon moment,” when only a portion of the tapes was released.

So Boyles apparently smells meat: “All this does is feed the lion,” he said.

“Why does he wait so long?…Is this an attempt to shut up the questioners? I think so.”

Boyles compared the feeling in his gut to the feeling he had when John Mark Karr was arrested for the murder of Jon Benet Ramsey.

Karr of course was released.

“It’s not over,” Boyles says, and you can imagine him shaking his head.

And if you listen to Boyles’ show, you know he’s right. That’s the beauty of a conspiracy theory.

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