Talk radio interview fills out “gun kingpin’s” views on recall elections, as reported in The Denver Post

The Denver Post’s Lynn Bartels wrote a good blog post yesterday reminding us that “gun kingpin” Dudley Brown, who once opposed trying to recall lawmakers because of their votes on gun bills, is now buying ads in the recall election.

To fill out the story, I offer you Brown’s more expansive thoughts on recalls.

Here’s what he told KFKA talk show host Scooter McGee Feb. 19, at about the 11 minute point in the video.

Brown said lawmakers will be “up for re-election in 2014 anyway,” “it’s enormously expensive” to recall lawmakers, and he “might as well burn the dollars.”

SCOOTER McGEE:  All right.  Then having said that, Dudley, why are we not immediately demanding a recall of our politicians who are violating the Colorado Constitution when it comes to the unalienable right to keep and bear arms, whether it be for a tyrannical dictatorship, against each other, or hunting or sporting purposes?  Why is this madness –

DUDLEY BROWN:  Well, if you’re asking from the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners standpoint, why we aren’t asking for a recall, is because one state representative, who is going to be up for re-election in 2014 anyway, you have to go out and gather petition signatures.  And you have to gather them based on the number of votes that they received in the last election. It is a enormously expensive task.  And with all due respect, you don’t have that kind of money.  Neither does Rocky Mountain Gun Owners!  We don’t have that kind of money!  That would be inasmuch lying to people [inaudible] money for us to go out and make the effort to gather signatures of five or six or seven or eight Democrats in the statehouse.  That’s stupid! I might as well burn the dollars!

Full transcript and video here.

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