Loesch’s nightmarish rendition of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech

UPDATED 7/1 with a response from Dana Loesch via a blog post of hers.


Syndicated talk-radio host Dana Loesch dropped into Glendale Saturday and surprised me by being even more offensive and nasty than she is usually.

Maybe the mile-high air pushed her further into the deep end? Maybe she saves her worst stuff for in-person delivery? Whatever was going on, as you can see for yourself below, Loesch clearly owes even her own pro-gun crowd, gathered in Glendale to oppose gun safety laws, an apology for her behavior Saturday.

As first reported on the Raw Story:

Loesch: “On my way here this morning flying in from St. Louis, I thought of a civil rights leader,” Loesch said. “He made a very impassioned speech, a historic speech, in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. I too have a dream. I have a dream that one day we as law-abiding, God-fearing, America-loving, Second Amendment-exercising gun owners will be judged on the strength of our character and not the content of our magazines!”

Here’s an exceprt of Loesch’s response to criticism of her speech. Read her entire comments here.

Loesch: Over the weekend at the “Farewell to Arms” event I purposefully quoted and riffed from Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have A Dream Speech.” The entire point of my doing so was at the end, when I said “And the entire point of this? This historic civil rights leader was disarmed, just as you, Colorado, are being disarmed. The left never tells you that King’s gun permit was rejected.”

Would King have been alive today had he been granted the right by the racist, Democrat south to own a gun? Who knows. But my point stands.

Gun rights are civil rights.

This was bait. And the leftist media, namely Raw Story, took it — but they predictably had to bastardize my speech and omit its entirety so they could play a race card. Why not report how your policies disarmed a civil rights leader?

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