Archive for the 'Colorado State Legislature' Category

Media omission: Marble cries foul, slamming Fox 31 and saying it doesn’t matter if Saine ate chicken in silent protest

Monday, September 9th, 2013

On KLZ radio’s afternoon talk show Thurs., State Sen. Vicki Marble said that if Rep. Lori Saine brought fried chicken to a legislative hearing last week as a silent protest, it doesn’t matter because Marble is thrilled the chicken issue has returned to the news.

It must have been “angels from above” that caused Rep. Lori Saine to bring fried chicken to the hearing, Marble said on air, because it started an important dialogue, which, unfortunately, has been distorted by the “left” and the “news media.”

“The focus of this attack by the left and the news media has never been about chicken,” Marble told the radio audience. “It has been about spinning the narrative to destroy conservatives and our principles.”

Marble specifically called on Fox 31’s Eli Stokols to stop being an “ambulance chaser,” to “get to the truth,” and to “give all the people the information that they are literally dying for.”

Guest-host Stacy Petty asked Marble: “Here’s the thing, even if she did this as a silent protest? Does that matter?”

Marble: “No!”

Marble caused an uproar during an Aug. 21 hearing when she suggested that eating chicken and barbeque causes poverty among blacks. She also  said Mexicans who come to the U.S. gain weight because they stop eating as many “fresh vegetables.”

Partial transcript of Sept. 5 appearance by State Sen. Vicki Marble on KLZ’s Grassroots Radio Colorado. Bolded segments are BigMedia emphasis.

Guest-Host Petty: We have Sen. Vicki Marble on the line, and she wants to continue our discussion on chickengate.

Marble: Yes, it is chickengate. And what a chicken they have turned out to be. The focus of this attack by the left and the news media has never been about chicken. It has been about spinning the narrative to destroy conservatives and our principles. The liberal media has been carrying the water for the left for decades. Every news outlet, including Eli Stokols, has always known that my statement—they were about lies. Why do our friends, neighbors, and family in the black community die younger? It was never about ‘chicken causes poverty.’ That was ludicrous. But, if they reported the truth, there would be no attack. And they control the narrative and their goal is to destroy conservatives. Democrats never ask why. Imagine giving someone the motivation to take charge of their quality of life through their everyday healthcare choices, which include diet and exercise. They won’t even bring it up. Democrats say they are offended by my asking why, why, why are they dying? I want to know why…. And I want to ask Eli Stokols right now, will you please begin the dialogue? And give all the people the information that they are literally dying for. This is a serious matter, and I wish that he would treat it as such because their childish behavior is doing nothing to help the people of Colorado achieve good, high-quality, life…

Marble: And I am so glad that Rep. Saine decided to have chicken, because what did it do? It opened up that dialogue again that has died. They thought they were done roasting me. All of a sudden, I don’t know, it must have been angels from above, telling her to pull in the Popeye’s, because it started the dialogue. Now we can have the newscasts from I believe it was Fox News. I believe it was Meagan Kelley’s segment that comes on at 12 o’clock in the afternoon. Everyone needs to hear this. And everyone can make those health care choices. We can manage our quality of life just through the diet and exercise. And yes, the doctor did mention fried chicken. I did not. Now, Eli Stokols, please take note. Please start reporting the truth. You’ve been an ambulance chaser in the news media. I think you’re better than that. I think you can really serve Coloradoans well. Get to the truth. Quit carrying the water for the liberal Democrats. And make some sense out of life and the people, and what we’re supposed to be trying to achieve here in Colorado. And that is economic opportunity….

Marble: I knew that the chicken was there. I walked, and she had the chicken lunch. That’s fine. But was really funny to me was when Eli Stokols tweeted that, I did see it. And I thought, this is a great way to re-start the dialogue. And boy has it….

Co-Host Stacy Petty: Here’s the thing, even if she did this as a silent protest? Does that matter?

Marble: No!


Radio host should’ve corrected Herpin statement that he’d have no say on birth-control laws

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

A radio talk show host should have corrected Colorado Springs recall candidate Bernie Herpin, when he denied yesterday that, if elected, he wouldn’t have any power to restrict a woman’s access to birth control.

Here’s what Herpin said on KVOR’s Richard Randall Show yesterday:

Randall @4:00: When they say, certain types of birth control, the implication is, if you elect an extremist like Bernie Herpin, you’re not even going to be able to get your birth-control pills in the state of Colorado.

Herpin: …Of course I’m not going to do anything to restrict a woman’s choice on birth control. That’s completely ridiculous, and I don’t even have that power. Jeez.

In fact, state government tries to restrict access to contraception because anti-abortion lawmakers consider some forms of contraception, like the morning-after pill, to be abortion drugs.

Herpin apparently missed the news, for example, that Oklahoma just passed a law requiring women 17 and over to show ID (and younger women to have a prescription) to buy emergency Plan B contraception. Last month, a judge stopped implementation of the law, which conflicts with recent FDA guidelines, pending a review of whether it violates the state constitution.

Judging from Herpin’s past support for government restrictions to protect zygotes (fertilized eggs), you’d expect him to support such legislation, given that some believe Plan B potentially destroys zygotes.

Maybe Herpin supports the morning-after pill, but we don’t know until he’s asked specifically about Plan B and other forms of contraception. It’s not a silly question, despite what Herpin supporter Laura Carno said later during the same KVOR show:

Carno: It’s funny. I just say the Planned Parenthood ad, and this women, who’s the head of some branch of Planned Parenthood said, ‘Why are we still talking about this in this day and age?’ And I thought, exactly. Stop talking about birth control. Birth control is a product. We go to the store, the pharmacy, we pick it up. We might buy some chips and paper towels while we’re there. It is a product. Stop talking about birth control. It’s completely irrelevant.

You can say that birth-control restrictions aren’t likely to pass in Colorado next year. That’s fair.

But for Herpin to say he’d have no say on the matter as a state senator, or for Carno to say that it’s irrelevant in this day and age, is a falsehood stinking up airwaves at KVOR. Randall should clean the air.

When a political operative says an issue is a “distraction,” it’s a cue for media figures to start asking questions

Friday, August 30th, 2013

For a reporter, or even a talk-radio host, when a political operative says something is a “distraction,” then that’s the exact moment to start asking questions.

So Laura Carno, whose organization has raised over $50,000 to recall state Sen. John Morse, invites scrutiny when she says on KFKA’s Amy Oliver Show Aug. 27 (hour two @20:25):

Carno: It’s just been this series of distractions, with the Planned Parenthood mail pieces being the latest distraction. This isn’t about abortion. Supreme Court Justices are not decided in Denver. There’s nothing that’s going to happen here that’s going to harm women. And as a woman…stop trying to manipulate women by saying in 2013 all of these terrible things are going to happen, and they are just not going to.

As I’ve discussed a couple times recently, abortion issues are not a distraction in state politics. Ask a woman just across the CO border in Utah (and 11 other states), if she thinks it’s a pesky distraction to be required, before she can obtain an abortion, to get counseling on the ability of a fetus to feel pain. Read about distractive state abortion laws here and proposed laws in Colorado here.

Carno herself helps run the Colorado Women’s Alliance, whose mission includes supporting “research, education and advocacy in areas of concern to women voters.” Since when is reproductive health, including abortion, not a concern to women?

Still, Carno feels so strongly about eliminating the abortion distraction from the CO Springs recall election that she and KVOR talk-show host Jeff Crank are pressuring CO Springs TV stations to stop running ads stating, accurately, that Republican recall candidate Bernie Herpin supports the personhood “plan” to codify life as beginning at conception and thus outlawing all abortion and common forms of birth control.

One TV station manager has declined to withdraw the ads, and the others aren’t responding, suggesting they agree that the ads are factual.

But this hasn’t stopped lawyers associated with Carno from shooting off an Aug. 27 letter, obtained by your humble blogger today, threatening to sue in an apparent attempt to scare broadcasters and Herpin opponents into stopping a radio ad:

Carno-associated lawyer: “I can quickly draft an injunction complaint based on the false ads…. I can have a lawsuit drafted and served by the close of business today. Your measure of damages is probably on the order of several times the cost to run the ads in order to educate the viewers on the truth.”

Carno implied that KFKA’s Oliver agrees with her that abortion issues are a distraction in the recall election. Regardless, Oliver owes it to women–and the rest of us–to air out why it’s not a legitimate topic to discuss.

Media omission: Will Republican state chair be scolding Pueblo GOP county chair?

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

A couple years ago, GOP Chair Ryan Call suggested that Sarah Arnold, who was an El Paso County GOP Secretary, resign because Republican office holders are not supposed to publicly criticize Republican policies–or favor one GOP primary candidate over another.

Call wrote that if Arnold “does not feel she can separate her personal opinions from her role as a County Party Secretary than she should consider resigning her position as a Party officer and thereby be free to speak out and be an advocate for whatever issues or causes, or for or against whatever candidates or Republican officeholders, she felt was most appropriate, free of the duty of loyalty and obligatory support that is a necessary corollary to official Party leadership.” [BigMedia emphasis]

Pueblo County GOP Chair Becky Mizel should be hearing from Ryan Call soon, if he’s consistent, because Mizel showed clear support for Tom Tancredo during an Aug. 16 radio interview.

At least that’s what I take away from this discussion among Mizel, KNUS’ Peter Boyles, and Jennifer Kearns, who’s a spokesperson for the recall effort.

BOYLES: You guys can’t expect somebody with at least a room temperature I.Q. to go, “Boy, that Republican Party in Colorado, those are my guys!”

MIZEL:  Yeah, but Peter, look at the people like Tom Tancredo, who are Republicans.  You know, we’ve got Tom Tancredo, Cruz, people like that. [BigMedia emphasis]

BOYLES:  Huh-uh.  Tommy is the red-headed stepson of the Republican party, and all three of us know it.  They just wish Tom would go away.  I mean, that’s the truth.  You know it.  I know it.  Becky knows it.  I think smart people listening to this radio show wish – I mean, they believe,– not believe, they know the Republican Party of Colorado would just as soon Tancredo go soak his head.

KERNS:  Well, that’s why –

MIZEL:  Well, the same goes for Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz isn’t going to go away.

BOYLES: No.  I agree.

MIZEL: So, you know, it’s —  I think you do have to take it over from the inside.

You’d think that Mizel, who’s found herself in the media spotlight due to the attempted recall of State Sen. Angela Giron,  doesn’t like Ryan Call much, given that she wants to take over the state GOP “from the inside.” And she’s certainly not scared of him, as she’s violating rules that Call clearly supports.

I shared Mizel’s Boyles’ interview with Arnold, and she wrote me that she’s not surprised by Call’s inconsistency in enforcing the thou-shalt-not- criticize-Republicans rule:

Arnold: Ryan Call is perfectly consistent in his inconsistency.  He arbitrarily and capriciously applies the by-laws as it suits him (for example, it’s okay if he contributes to a Democrat while a party officer, which is a clear violation of the by-laws, but not okay for someone to have a policy disagreement with the House Majority Leader while a party officer, as in my case–a topic on which the by-laws are silent).  In fact, he’s happy to change the bylaws so he could endorse Romney for President, an unprecedented act.  The irony would be even more incredible since many Party officers (including Ryan) turned a blind eye in 2010 to the numerous endorsements of Tancredo as a third party candidate made by other party officers across the state, if he were to choose to pursue removal for mere comments about a candidate that don’t appear, to me at least, to be an endorsement.

Talk-show host should have asked Rivera if he’s noticed that multiple issues are discussed in the state legislature

Monday, August 26th, 2013

You have to wonder what’s up with Republican George Rivera, who’s running to replace Sen. Angela Giron in a recall election, when he dismisses his unapologetic support for the personhood amendment by saying,

Rivera:  “You know, the thing is, is this election is about one thing and one thing only”

That’s what Rivera told KZNT talk-show host Derrick Wilburn Saturday.

Wilburn should have asked Rivera if he’s ever noticed that guns aren’t the only topic discussed down at the Capitol. Actually, it’s next to impossible to keep track of all the different issues, including abortion issues.

Voters should know that, based on his opposition to abortion, even for rape, Rivera would have supported the five bills introduced last session that restricted access to abortion services in Colorado or banned it outright. (See Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado‘s legislative scorecard for details.)

Obviously these bills weren’t going anywhere in Colorado now, with pro-choice Democrats in control, but things could easily change. If so, Colorado could pass legislation similar to what’s become law in states across the country, restricting a women’s right to obtain an abortion. (See the Guttmacher Institute’s chart for details.)

It’s silly for Rivera to say that the election of any state senator is about one issue. That’s not how representative government works.

Wilburn knows this, and he almost certainly saw, at least, that Texas passed one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws just this year. So, he should have asked Rivera what he was thinking.

Marble says you can eat your “Big Mac” but have “veggies on the side”

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

State Sen. Vicki Marble went on KLZ’s Grassroots Radio Colorado Friday to discuss the controversy over her comments about the eating habits of minorities.

Radio is a particularly good medium for someone to explain a botched public utterance, but the radio hosts put zero effort into eliciting a meaningful explanation from Marble.

Marble focused on good health and nutrition for everyone, not just blacks and other minorities. She said you can have your “Big Mac,” but have some “veggies on the side.”

Here’s part of what she had to say:

Co-host Ken Clark: What do you make of all the controversy?

Marble: Well first, good afternoon everyone. It’s a pleasure to be here. And the controversy, I am excited. We are getting this dialogue going. I mean, just let it run because we are coming out with the real medical research that will show that yes—but you know, I don’t care about who says what. And I want no apologies. I just want people to have the chance to get the education on their genetic predispositions to certain diseases, and if they choose to change their diet in order to keep their quality of life, then great! And if not, it’s their choice. But at least they have the information out there that will help them make an informed decision.

Clark: …It doesn’t matter how rich you are…

Marble: You’ll lose your job. And if it is cancer or heart disease, it’s very possible that your medical costs will drain, very quickly, your assets, your life savings, and you may even lose your home. And you could be poverty-bound forever, because it is very hard to get out of the poverty level once you’re in it. And if you have a life-threatening issue like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, you are, I guess, you are chained to it. You are a prisoner to your own health. And if you have a predisposition in your family, you should know about it. You should at least have the information and eat accordingly. And we always see these advertisements on TV and sound bites on the radio about our health, and eat healthy. That’s what we’re talking about. At least, know what you’re up against. Know what some of those quiet shadows in your health history may be, and live accordingly, if you choose. I’m not up for legislating anything about eating. It’s just getting the information out there. ..

Clark: …Where does this go from here? … Let’s quit screaming racist. Let’s have the conversation.

Marble: It’s true. Quality of life is not a racist issue. It’s a life issue for all of us. And we all intend, and we all want, for each and every American, and I wish it could be every person on this Earth. But for every person, quality of life gives you economic opportunity. And if you lose that quality of life through a life-threatening disease, it’s over. You are poverty-bound. And that’s what I really want to address. If you can delay those life threatening diseases, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, you name it. If you can delay that just, by eating a little different, you can still have your–

Clark: Big Mac.

Marble: Big Mac.

Clark: You can have your Big Mac. You can have your Big Gulp.

Marble: [laughing] You can have all that in moderation, but eat a couple fruits and veggies on the side, and just be aware. But it’s your choice.

Clark: Let’s face it. There are very few people on the planet who have the genetic disposition who can eat whatever they want without consequence…

Marble: And you know what, they call that, they got good genes. …

Talk-show host fails to prove that Herpin doesn’t support personhood

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

KVOR talk-show host Jeff Crank said on-air Saturday that it’s impossible for GOP recall candidate Bernie Herpin to favor personhood, as claimed in a TV advertisement by Herpin’s opponents.

Crank raises his voice on his Jeff Crank Show as he explains why, citing evidence provided by the folks who made the anti-Herpin TV ad.

Crank: In the Pike’s Peak Citizens for Life survey, Mr. Herpin indicates that he believes that life begins at the moment of conception.  In the same Pike’s Peak Citizens for Life survey, Mr. Herpin was asked if he supported a ban on embryonic stem cell research, and he marked ‘no’.  Mr. Herpin’s opposition to a ban on embryonic stem cell research is in direct conflict to the claim that he supports the personhood amendment.  He doesn’t support it, okay?

Sorry, Jeff, but Pikes Peak Citizens for Life actually asked Herpin, “Will you lead federal and/or state efforts to ban embryonic stem cell research.” Herpin answered no.

You’d still expect Herpin to favor a ban embryonic stem-cell research, even if he wouldn’t lead a fight against it, given Herpin’s belief, as stated on the Pikes Peak questionnaire that the stage of development that “we become persons” is “single cell.”

Herpin’s concept of personhood is also consistent with his statements in the survey that the court, in Roe v Wade, did not have the authority to “declare the pre-born as non-persons” and he would not appoint anyone who supports Roe.

Add to this Herpin’s agreement with the statement in the Pikes Peak survey, fashioned by an outfit that endorsed the personhood amendment in 2010, that the government does “not have the authority to declare any part of the human family to be non-persons,” and you have to conclude that Herpin supports personhood.

Maybe he’s changing his mind now, as Ken Buck and others have done before him, but it’s reasonable to say Herpin’s answers to the questionnaire show support for giving legal status to zygotes (fertilized eggs), thus, as the anti-Herpin ad points out, banning common forms birth control and interfering with many personal decisions.

(See survey questions here and Herpin’s answers here.)

Given the evidence, Crank should stop asking his listeners to pester Colorado Springs TV stations to stop running the anti-Herpin ads, as he did on Saturday, and he should stop promoting his own complaint trying to get TV stations to do so. Already, Tim Larson, general manager of KRDO TV has reportedly decided to keep running the ad, apparently sharing my view that it’s factual.



“The only reason she got elected, is because her kid got killed”

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Here’s a gross excerpt of a conversation yesterday between KLZ radio hosts Jason Worley and Stacy Petty (subbing for Ken Clark) about Vicki Marble’s comments about the eating habits of blacks and Mexicans. (Start at 34:24 on the podcast.)

WORLEY:  Don’t get me wrong, in Republican circles, if I was sitting right next to Vicki, I would say, right now, “Hey, you grew up in West.  You grew up all out here in the West.  You didn’t live in the South.  I get it.  There is a – the minute you say, and if somebody’s from the South, the minute you say ‘Black’ and ‘chicken’, it’s just not a good idea.”

PETTY:  Mmm-hmm. 

WORLEY:  It’s not a good idea.  But there’s nothing –.  It’s in-artful, and yes, you’re opening the door for an opportunist like Rhonda Fields, because that’s what she is. 

PETTY:  Mmm-hmm.

WORLEY:  I mean, I’m sorry.  Am I the only one who said it?  The only reason she got elected, is because her kid got killed. [BigMedia emphasis]

PETTY:  Yeah.  I agree with you.

WORLEY I said it!  I said it!  Her son died.  She’s a victim.  Diane Primavera in Broomfield ran on a “I’m a cancer survivor”. 

PETTY:  Yeah.

WORLEY:  Good for you.  Move on with your damn life, and actually show that you can legislate some stuff.

PETTY:  Well, and everybody in their life, I mean, granted, those are horrible challenges to have, but everybody has a significant challenge in their life that they overcome at some point.  In general, it makes them a better, stronger person.  They’re there for other people.  They don’t use it as a coattail to ride their way to reside under the Gold Dome. 

 later at @37:35

PETTY:  [talking about Jimmy the Greeks comments about black athletes being better because their ancestors were bred in slavery for big thighs and big bodies]  That’s a racist comment but the thing that always troubled me, is that was actually true.   If you go back and you look at history, slaves were bred because they were considered non-human work animals.  I mean, that’s what they were, and so they were intentionally bred to be more muscular.  And if you look at the individuals in Africa, how they are right now, they don’t have the same muscular build that our African Americans do.  And it’s—

WORLEY:  And it’s some!  And it’s some!  It’s not – I know skinny African American and I know athletic black Americans.  I mean, –.

PETTY:  Yeah.  But that one always drove me crazy.  It was – was it inappropriate to say?  Absolutely.

WORLEY:  It was just dumb.

PETTY:  But, you know, he lost his job over it, and –

WORLEY:  Well, then, who — we were talking about this before.  There was the very racist comment.  We think it was Howard Cosell

PETTY:  Yeah [laughing]

WORLEY:  “Look at the little monkey run!”

PETTY:  Yeah.  Yeah. 

WORLEY:  I can’t do that in his voice. I’ll get accused of – ColoradoPols is just like typing this up right now so they have a whole thing on how Grassroots Radio Colorado is racist.  I – you know what?  It’s when things like this happen, when – oh, who’s the legislator who made the racist—who said this was racism?  I can’t think of her name

PETTY:  Oh, Rhonda Fields.

WORLEY:  Rhonda Fields! For some reason, I get –.

PETTY:  “Rap-Sheet” Rhonda.

WORLEY:  “Rap-Sheet” Rhonda!  Looks good in orange!  Oh my gosh! [facetiously] That’s racist!

PETTY:  And wait! Tell the listeners why she’s called “Rap-Sheet” Rhonda. 

WORLEY:  She was arrested.  – Why I call her “Rap-Sheet” Rhonda –it’s not a black thing, it’s an orange thing.  She was actually arrested for shoplifting, I believe.

PETTY:  Yes.

WORLEY:  Look, that’s what she is.  She has a criminal record and you geniuses elected her!

Pueblo Chieftain columnist falsely writes that recall candidate’s abortion views are “irrelevant”

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013

You want a columnist to have an opinion but only if the facts supporting it are actual factual facts.

Pueblo Chieftain Managing Editor Steve Henson got the opinion part of the columnist’s job right on Sunday, but he dropped the ball when it came to the facts.

In his column, Henson asked if it should matter to Pueblo voters that Republican George Rivera, who’s running to replace Democrat Angela Giron in a recall election, opposes all abortion, even after rape or incest.

In explaining why abortion shouldn’t matter, Henson wrote:

First and foremost, the entire issue of where a candidate stands on abortion is irrelevant. The courts have controlled this issue for more than 40 years and that’s where the debate will end up in the future. Plus, no one state-elected official will have any control over what is a national issue.

Anyone who follows abortion issues knows that it’s actually factually false to say that no state lawmaker has any influence on abortion issues.

States across the country have passed a volume of laws restricting a women’s right to obtain an abortion. I mean, did Henson miss the drama in Texas just last month? The Guttmacher Institute has a handy dandy chart that Hansen might want to take a look at, summarizing the 9 categories of laws passed in each state.

One category, for example, is “state-mandated counseling.” The Guttmacher Institute chart states:

17 states mandate that women be given counseling before an abortion that includes information on at least one of the following: the purported link between abortion and breast cancer (5 states), the ability of a fetus to feel pain (12 states) or long-term mental health consequences for the woman (8 states).

Waiting periods in nine states effectively require women to make two trips to a clinic prior to having an abortion. Some states mandate abortions to be performed by a licensed doctor at a hospital; states prohibit abortion at various stages; state laws restrict public funding and private insurance coverage of abortion; and states require different types of parental notification.

Whatever you think of these state laws, you’d have to agree that abortion is not irrelevant to voters anywhere, even in the far corners of Pueblo. (It’s relevant at the federal level, too.)

A phone message to Henson at the Chieftain was not immediately returned.

You can see on the Guttmacher chart that Colorado is less restrictive than many states when it comes to abortion laws, and the state Leg is controlled by pro-choice Democrats.

Still, the makeup of CO state government could easily change. So stuff like the five bills introduced during the last legislative session (HB-1032, 1033, 1131 and SB-55, 56), which would have restricted access to abortion services or banned all abortion, could become law in Colorado–as  well as other restrictions passed in other states. (See Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado‘s legislative scorecared for more on this.)

Henson concluded his Sunday column with a pledge that the Chieftain would be cover the recall election fairly:

For our part, we are working very hard to present our coverage of this recall issue in a fair, balanced fashion.

I predict that will become much more difficult in the days ahead, but we want you to know that every story we do will be done with fairness to all candidates and all sides of the issues foremost in our planning, our writing and our published reports.

Henson could put substance behind this airy promise by explaining in a future column why abortion issues are, in fact, relevant to state lawmakers.

And why it matters that recall candidate Rivera is opposed to giving a girl, raped by her father, the option of having an abortion.

Radio host shouldn’t get all giddy about a primary until Gerou decides whether to run

Monday, August 19th, 2013

Last Tuesday, KLZ radio host Ken Clark had a conversation with Jonathan Keyser, who’s running for CO House District 25.

Clark acted as if Keyser will be challenging Rep. Cheri Gerou in a GOP primary, even though Gerou hasn’t filed to defend her HD25 seat.

Clark described Gerou this way:

Clark:  “And for those of you that don’t remember, Cheri Gerou is the gal that got into that – oh, I don’t know, she was the one that had some expletives to say at Joe Neville, who is a lobbyist for Rocky Mountain Gun Owners.  Her Principles of Liberty scores are just slightly better than the Democrats…  She was at the bottom of the barrel for Republicans.  She scored less than five points higher than the best Democrat.  Um, ya think that’s somebody screaming out to be primaried?  Yeah, I do.”

Later, Clark said of Gerou:

Clark: “She is the worst Democrat that has an ‘R’ next to her name, that we have in the state of Colorado.”

Keyser tried to correct Clark about the Gerou race, saying, “Right now I’m not challenging Representative Gerou.  She hasn’t filed.  You know, and so I don’t know what her intentions are.”

But Keyser couldn’t slow down the Grassroots Radio Colorado co-host:

Clark:  “All right.  Well, you’re running against Cheri ‘Stump the Chump’ Gerou, and those are her words, not mine.  Those are her words.  She called herself  ‘Stump the Chump’ Gerou, so I can only go off of what she says.”

One wonders if Clark had any inkling that Gerou might not face Keyser, whom Clark described as a fellow 2012 graduate of the conservative Leadership Program of the Rockies.

ColoradoPols speculated last week that Gerou might decide to “challenge former Sen. Tim Neville (father of RMGO’s lobbyist Joe) in a GOP primary for the chance to run in Senate District 16 against Sen. Jeanne Nicholson.” If so, Pols noted, the “clash between Gerou and Neville would be an acid test of the much-ballyhooed power of the RMGO in Republican primaries.”

If this happens, you think Clark would side with Gerou or Neville?