Grassroots Radio Colorado, Dave Pigott, January 13, 2012

Station:      560 AM, KLZ

Show:        Grassroots Radio Colorado

Guest:        Pigott


Date:         January 13, 2012

Topics:       House District 33, Diane Primavera, Regulations, Marines Urinate on Taliban Corpses, Rules of Engagement, Sal Pace, Brandon Schaffer, SB-1, Colorado Companies Bill, Public Education, Charter Schools, Teacher Unions, Opportunity Costs, Broken Window Fallacy, Unemployment, Occupy Wall Steet, Tax and Spend Democrats, House Majority

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JASON WORLEY:  […] Since there’s only one congressional– one house seat in Broomfield, you, David J Pigott– good friend of mine, are running for it, Don Beazley’s current seat.

DAVID PIGOTT:  House district 33.

WORLEY:  Yup. And you got some big shoes to fill, and I mean that in many ways.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely.

WORLEY:  That guy’s one of the only people I know who is taller than me.

PIGOTT:  [laughter]

WORLEY:  So, Dave Pigott is with me in studio. He is running for HD 33. Now, you know, we were talking before the break, and I want to give people a little bit –.  Give people your bio. Give them a little of your background.

PIGOTT:  The five-minute life story?

WORLEY:  There you go. Yeah.

PIGOTT:  Born in Buffalo, New York. Grew up there.

WORLEY:  Which we’re forgiving him for.

PIGOTT:  Thank you. I appreciate that. Go bills. They are out of the playoffs, so I am a Broncos fan now.  Anyway, I went to West Point for undergrad, graduated in 2003. Spent 5 1/2 years active-duty military, did two deployments to Iraq. Lived in North Carolina, Colorado, and Kentucky during that time.  Got out of the Army in 2008, [and] decided to go to law school here at CU up in Boulder. Graduated—

WORLEY:  We’re forgiving him for that, too.

PIGOTT:  Yeah. You’ve got to forgive me for a lot. [Laughter]

WORLEY:  Just me having to forgive him for that. I am a CSU person, so—

PIGOTT:  Hey, somebody’s got to maintain the fight up there, you know?

WORLEY:  Well, and that’s–.  And there is no law school at CSU. So, you are in good shape.

PIGOTT:  All right. Fair enough. Thank you. I appreciate that. Anyway, I graduated last spring, took the bar [exam]. Now I’m a practicing attorney here in Colorado.

WORLEY:  And let me ask you a quick question, because you obviously heard what I was talking about before the break.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely.

WORLEY:  What do you think? These Marines who screwed up–.

PIGOTT:  Yeah. What do I—You know, it’s funny, I actually heard the story this morning as I was driving into work and they were talking about Panetta’s reactions and Clinton’s reaction and as they were describing it,– this reaction, this abhorrent, this shock that they felt. This couldn’t possibly happen. And I begin to wonder, you know, what would I do if I were these guys’ platoon leader, if I were their company commander, how would I react? And, while I can’t disagree with the fact that it was wrong, and it has to be condemned– it absolutely has to be condemned, there was also a certain– not so much empathy, but an understanding as to what these guys were thinking or more to the point, what they weren’t thinking. It’s, like you are saying, it’s tough and the stress gets to you and you do dumb things and you make mistakes. And that’s what these guys did.

WORLEY:  People do dumb things when their football team wins a big game. You know?


WORLEY:  I mean, when the Detroit Red Wings win the cup, they riot in Detroit. Joe Paterno gets fired at Penn State, they riot in State College.

PIGOTT:  Mmm-hmm.

WORLEY:  These are people who have bullets shot at them. And not the kind Hillary Clinton talked about, where she had to run in Kosovo.

PIGOTT:  Because of–oh yeah.

WORLEY:  Fake bullets that never happened. These are real bullets. These are real grenades. These are real rocket propelled grenades. These are people who like to cut their heads off.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely. I guess the easiest way to kind of related to somebody who hasn’t been in that situation, I think most people have played in some type of sporting event where it’s gotten intense–or at least watched one on TV, where they’ve seen a player roughing the passer. Perfectly good example, right?  You’ve got a DB who’s coming in, he’s fired up, and he hits the quarterback, right? Not because he’s malicious. Not because he’s looking to hurt somebody. He’s just, his heads in the game, he’s that fired up, right?  Multiply that by 1000. And that’s the level of intensity that these guys are dealing with. Which is why, when they go too far, it’s 1000 times worse.

WORLEY:  Well, I don’t know if you remember because your Buffalos fan, but you remember– anybody who is Denver Broncos fan– and any time I get to talk about the Broncos I have one of those memories that remembers a lot, a lot of games.  Do you remember Derrick Thomas from the Chiefs?

PIGOTT:  Ah, yeah.

WORLEY:  Do you remember the Monday night game when Shannon Sharpe drove him up a wall? And if I remember right, Derrick Thomas grabs Shannon Sharpe’s helmet, rips it from his head, slams him down, and there was no reason to whatsoever, it was already over. That’s exactly what you’re talking–that’s the football game.

PIGOTT:  Right.

WORLEY:  This is not people shooting at you and trying to take your life.

PIGOTT:  And yet, the behavior that that level of intensity produces, is something that is to the casual observer, shocking. Now, take that to the extreme. And that is what war is.

WORLEY:  Yeah. I personally forgive those guys immediately.  Say, “Look, what has to happen—Whatever is going to happen is going to happen.”  From what I understand, a couple of them are already out.

PIGOTT:  Mmm-hmm

WORLEY:  They’ve already come back.  They’ve been let go. What worries me is the liberal left and who’s going to you know,—hey, Attorney General [Eric] Holder may go after him for – although I’m not sure, if you’re dead, do you still have rights?

PIGOTT:  [chuckles] That’s an interesting question.

WORLEY:  They won’t go after anyone for voting rights, but they might go after somebody for stripping a Talibani of his not-being-urinated-on rights.

PIGOTT:  But here’s why it’s important that those guys nonetheless be held accountable. I mean, we can sit here all day and make excuses for them. I’ll do it, and– because I think they deserve to be defended. They’re doing a great thing out there serving our country. But at the end of the day they still have to be held accountable. As many excuses as we can make, as much as we’d like to defend these guys, at the end of the day our soldiers can’t handle the level of stress that we asked them to endure. And they do make these mistakes. Consequences that are visited back upon us are worse than the offense itself. There are lieutenants, there are captains on the ground in Afghanistan who as a consequence of these Marines will have a much harder time accomplishing their mission even though the two have nothing to do with each other. They’re going out into towns and villages every day. And they’re talking to people within the community, they’re talking the tribal leaders, they are talking to political leaders, elected officeholders. And they are trying to win trust. That trust is vital. That’s what they need to accomplish their mission over there. And this type of thing sets them back weeks, if not months.

WORLEY:  The funny part is–and I don’t know if you can state this–you’ve been around there–the sad thing is the stress–this does happen and probably a lot more than gets caught on videotape.

PIGOTT:  Oh, I’m sure.

WORLEY:  It does. You know, the Taliban and doesn’t really have to worry about videotape. They want videotape stuff getting out. They want their stuff. I’m still of the opinion that we need to get the media away from the war. And we need to actually fight war like we mean to fight war, instead of a policing action. But—

PIGOTT:  And in a sense, I can understand where you’re coming from. But just because the sort of thing does happen, doesn’t mean that it has to.

WORLEY:  I don’t disagree.

PIGOTT:  I know you don’t. And this is why it’s so important that we have top notch leaders leading these guys, holding them accountable, training them before they’re in these situations, so that when they do get in them, despite the stress, they can handle themselves and accomplish the mission without jeopardizing anyone else’s. At the end of the–it’s really about leadership. A good leader will run a unit and will accomplish the mission every day. This kind of thing will never happen. And we will maintain the honor and dignity due to the United States. But, that said, there are poor leaders out there as well. They don’t have a handle on the unit. They don’t properly train their guys. And as a consequence, that things happen.

WORLEY:  Well, let’s talk about good leadership, because it’s something we need here in the state of Colorado. I mean, there is absolutely no question– when you see Brandon “Napoleon” Schaeffer out there– I don’t know, did you get to see the first major bill that he proposed, yet?

PIGOTT:  No, I was working.

WORLEY:  Yeah [laughs], did you hear about it on the way in?

PIGOTT:  No. Tell me about it.

WORLEY:  Okay, the whole idea is this big protectionist scheme that says, “Hey, let’s give Colorado companies, if they jump through all these hoops and prove they are a Colorado company and they are doing government contracts, we’re going to give them an advantage over everybody else.”

PIGOTT:  Sure.

WORLEY:  Not exactly free-market. And, just for the record, I’m pretty sure that Sal Pace try to run this a few years ago and got smacked down for it.

PIGOTT:  Well, it’s the exact opposite of free-market. It–the problem, the issues that people don’t talk about are opportunity costs. Everybody says, well, it makes sense to pay Colorado workers to do work in Colorado. And that’s true, unless there’s something they could be doing, aside from what you’re paying them to do, that provides more value. And I think the great example of this– this is what we see in education today, particularly in failing public schools. You tell a kid, “Well, we’re going to send you to this school. You don’t have a choice, because it’s the one school in your neighborhood that we have established. No, forget that it’s failing. We are going to send you there.”  And they say, “You might not get the best education, but at least you are going to be in there.”  When we fail to consider is the fact that by virtue of that kid being in there, he loses eight hours every day where he could be in his school learning. So it’s not just about the little bit he he does manage to pick up in a failing school, it’s about everything he doesn’t learn. And we never talk about that.  We never talk about those opportunity costs. We never talk about them in education. We don’t talk about them in employment. Every time we pay somebody more than we need to, to do a job that we really don’t need done, we deprive them of the ability to do some other job that we would value more.

WORLEY:  Broken window fallacy.

PIGOTT:  Broken window fallacy, absolutely.

WORLEY:  You just absolutely nailed it on the head. We absolutely love our free-market economics here on Grassroots Radio Colorado.  And for full disclosure, Dave Pigott and I both went through Leadership Program of the Rockies together. So we do have a prior relationship.

PIGOTT:  That’s true. That’s true..

WORLEY:  And we both learned a lot of this stuff, and we talked about it. I’m encouraged that you’re talking about schools.  I talk about—we talk about schools here, and the unions a lot.

PIGOTT:  It’s key.

WORLEY:  Well, and one of the big problems is –go look at the occupy Wall Street.

PIGOTT:  Sure.

WORLEY:  That’s what our schools are teaching.

PIGOTT:  That’s true. If I could kind of take that on a parallel thread, because education and the economy are so inextricably linked. If you think about what education means to an economy, education is the difference between people being able to meet the needs of their fellow community members– fellow citizens, or not. What unemployment is effectively measuring, is our educational system’s inability to keep up with free market demand. There’s always going to be demand. People are always going to want more things. They are going to need something, they’re going to want something– something new, something bigger, something better. Right? The only question is whether or not there is somebody out there who has the skills to meet that need, to meet that want. Right? And right now, 8.1%. That’s the extent to which our educational system has failed to prepare—

WORLEY:  it’s really  18%.

PIGOTT:  Right. Absolutely. But that’s the extent to which our educational system has failed to keep up with what we need.

WORLEY:  So, one in five people in America. 18%– basically 20, I’m rounding up, there’s no question– one in five people right now are under educated or ill educated enough to get a job to do something – And I’ll – there is absolutely no question about this, and when we come back I’ll explain why this education is so important and why our schools are failing so badly, and we’ll talk with David Pigott more —  representative– hopefully, future representative from HD 33.

PIGOTT:   Looking forward to it.

[Commuter’s anecdote by Jason Worley – regarding meeting a fellow Tea Party faithful at a stoplight and the need for a sign or signal to acknowledge and encourage each other in the “fight for liberty”]

[Caller Dan:  enjoyed listening to Pigott, fellow West Point Grad, retired infantry officer, current defense contractor — agrees with Dave Pigott (regarding the marines-Taliban urination story) and also with Allen West.  Commenting about how this should turn out (based on his experience and familiarity with Marine culture) this is a problem at the battalion level, the colonel level, as Allen West has said.  Should be an investigation and appropriate action taken.  Punishment should severe, if facts support it.  Outcome should be that this doesn’t get elevated or get spun out of control so that it is outside of the chain of command.  Jason agrees that this fear is valid – the left in this country will use this story to their own ends—just like the Gabby Giffords shooting story. Dan also cites the Ft.Hood shooter and the Wiki-leak soldier as cases meriting investigation and swift internal action, and also as examples where lefties hypocritically didn’t pay attention.]

PIGOTT:  Well, Dan, I think you made a great point there, when you talk about what it means to be a Marine and you take care of your own. Obviously I was in the Army.  I wasn’t a Marine. But any military unit at any level is a lot like being a part of a family. And I think that we would all describe as a philosophy that I can talk about my family, but you cannot talk about my family. And that’s kind of how it is in the military. If one of our guys messes up or if one of our girls messes up, we’ll take care of it, we’ll do the right thing, we’ll clean up our mess. But nobody wants to hear someone else talking bad about their own family. And I think that’s why you hear a lot of guys who have served saying that they really took offense to some of these comments about what these guys did, from people who have never been there.

WORLEY:  Yeah. That’s–and I–like I said, I have a hard time, I could never be there. Daniel, thank you for your call. We also have, if I can see it right, Tim or Jim from Greeley.  Jim, welcome to the show. You’re on with Jason Worley and Dave Pigott.

[Caller Jim, a Viet Nam veteran colonel, agrees with what has been said by caller Dan and Dave Pigott, that punishment and investigation should be handled within the Corps.  Doesn’t excuse the soldiers’ behavior but thinks that whoever posted this trash on the internet are the ones who committed the most egregious injustice.  Leftist media dynasty should stay out of it.  Points out that these soldiers are kids.  Says that Rules of Engagement limit armed forces ability to protect troops – their protection is secondary to the armchair-quarteback judging by ignorant civilian sector.  Colonel West said it best:  “it’s war!  Shut up and move on!]

PIGOTT:  Jim, the first, let me thank you for that comment, or the compliment you gave me in the beginning. I mean, coming from you, that—I mean, I know what you were saying. It really means a lot.  So, thank you for that.  And you make some great points about the rules of engagement. I remain in the Colorado National Guard. I now function as an attorney for them– the JAG attorney.  And part of my job is to go around and talk to these guys, these soldiers in the guard who do deploy to Iraq, who do deploy to Afghanistan about the ROE, about what the rules of engagement are. And in part, there’s a great perception out there that they are very restrictive. But I think it’s often missed then at the end of the day, our soldiers always have the right to defend themselves and to defend each other. They are always going to have that right. And they are always going to be permitted to do what’s necessary to accomplish the mission. It simply, as in examples we’ve been talking about where they’ve stepped outside of what’s necessary to accomplish the mission that they get themselves into trouble.

[Worley thanks callers and Pigott for their service and laments that he was unable to serve his country, -even after a full stint in ROTC- -due to “one little knee surgery” and thanks to Bill Clinton.   Worley is ‘training’  his children to approach anyone in uniform and to thank them for their service.  He advises listeners that the common person cannot not know what soldiers experience and deal with on a daily basis. ]

[Dave Pigott expresses his opinion that Worley is contributing a great service in his role as radio host, and appreciates Worley’s understanding and empathy for soldier’s experience, even though he didn’t serve, just because Worley takes the time to think about it.]

[commercial break ]

WORLEY:  A little fighting music. I like that. Were talking about the campaign here. About to mix it up in Broomfield.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely.

WORLEY:  HD 33 David J Pigott is with us.

PIGOTT:  It’s going to be a fight.

WORLEY:  My friend Dave.  And it’s funny that the minute Don Beasley decided he wasn’t going to run again, Diane Primadonna– I mean, Primavera—

PIGOTT:  Oh., Come on, now.

WORLEY:  Sorry. I lived under her reign.  Boy, talk about tax-and-spend, tax-and-spend, tax-and-spend. [imitating female voice] “I’ll do anything for my constituents, as long as it involves spending more government money.”

PIGOTT:  Yeah.

WORLEY:  She – boy, she rushed right back in. Being a liberal must be a beautiful thing.  Once you lose to the person can’t you butt, you can get right back in. What the heck?

PIGOTT:  Well, you know, the nice thing is that the voters in Broomfield and in Superior and Erie are going to have a nice record that they’ll be able to review and evaluate and they’ll be able to either vote for her or against her based on that record.

WORLEY:  Yeah. There’s absolutely no question– I’m pretty sure, was it Compass Colorado who came out on Colorado peak politics, and I’m actually going to look this up. But they actually looked at the top dirty dozen legislators in Colorado who were the worst tax-and-spenders—

PIGOTT:  yeah.

WORLEY:  And Diane Primavera hasn’t even been elected again, and she still makes the list.

PIGOTT:  Well, I was going to say, I believe she made the list without actually holding office.

WORLEY:  Yeah. That’s how bad she is [laughs].  I mean, it’s not your job.  You’re her opponent, you’ve got to be nice.  [reading] “Dirty, dirty job killers.  CompassColorado targets 12 legislators who are killing jobs”  and right there, third from the end, — Diane Primavera.

PIGOTT:  I do think that Diane does believe that she is doing the right thing for her constituents–or at least, she was when she was in office and she was voting for those bills.  I happen to agree [?-25:17] on a very fundamental level, with her political philosophy.  Frankly, it seems to me, as if her political philosophy is about telling people that they are being victimized–that they are victims. And if they can only survive, they’ve succeeded. And that success, according to her political philosophy, should come from the government.  That’s what they are there for. The government is there to take victimized people and help them live through that victimization.  Right? And I fundamentally disagree with that.  I do not believe that the people of Colorado are victims. I think they are 100% capable of managing their own lives, solving their own problems, and living prosperous lives. I believe that. I just think you got to let them.  And I don’t think they need help, other than the help that they are neighbors and friends and community will provide.

WORLEY:  Well, and on a level playing field. Quit picking winners and losers. I mean, go out and– I will guarantee you, and I will make a prediction right now. I can tell you the largest donors to the Primavera campaign will be.

PIGOTT:  Uh oh.

WORLEY:  Teachers unions. Guaranteed.

PIGOTT:  Probably. Probably.

WORLEY:  Guaranteed. She will be a big the teacher union person. You know why? Because the state should control your kid. The best thing that happened in Colorado and these past few years is the explosion of charter schools.


WORLEY:  And –and—and

PIGOTT:  Thankfully.

WORLEY:  Well, my kids are in one. Other than the fact that right now it’s in Thornton, which is funding itself on people getting tickets, let me tell you–my wife just got victimized again yesterday, and let me tell you they make a boatload of money on tickets up there. Anybody who lives in Thornton and is listening to this, I want information on, who how much the city actually makes us from giving tickets to drivers, because it’s an amazing amount. But this overarching “we know what to do with your life” – and it’s funny you mentioned victimization, because here’s another prediction I’m going to make. I was a victim. [imitating Primavera]  “Poor me.”  Trust me, I lived in that district a lot longer than you have.  Look, I’m sorry that you’re a single mother. I’m sorry that you had cancer at one point in your life. But you know what, that doesn’t mean you’re going to be a good state legislator.

PIGOTT:  I don’t consider Diane to be a victim.  I don’t think she considers herself to be a victim. Frankly, she is a survivor, and God bless her for it. She’s a tough woman and I think she deserves all the credit in the world for what she’s been able to achieve. And I will not discredit anyone who’s willing to take time away from their personal lives, go out there and say, “I’m going to dedicate my time, my effort, my energy to doing what I think is right for the people around me.” I won’t fault people for that.  I’ll fault them all day long for poor policy decisions. I’ll take them to task for incorrect political philosophy and lack of underlying values.

WORLEY:  But that’s –right there is where we agree.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely.

WORLEY:  Because she wanted to tell you, she wants to tell me, as her constituent in Broomfield, what to do.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely.

WORLEY:  And that’s where our problem is.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely. And it comes down to your fundamental view of human nature. Do you believe that man is inherently good and therefore can’t be trusted to run his own life and make his own choices, or her own choices?  Or do you think that man is inherently bad, and if left to his own devices will fall upon corruption greed and take advantage of other people any chance that they can get. If you believe that, if you believe that’s what we are at our poor then absolutely, we need bigger government, we need more government, we need government to run people’s lives.

The funny part is that you just have on the fallacy of that logic.

PIGOTT:  Of course.

WORLEY:  Because, wait–what is government made up of? Oh, people!

PIGOTT:  That’s right.

WORLEY:  So, if people are corruptible, the bigger the government the more corrupt the government could be. It’s just funny how if you actually hit logic at liberals, it just doesn’t work.

PIGOTT:  [Laughs]

WORLEY:  But that’s okay. You’re going to have plenty of opportunity to—

PIGOTT:  I was going to say, we’ve got a whole year to do this.

WORLEY:  This is going to be so much fun. We absolutely love election time. There’s nothing more exciting. As I was joking earlier, they are low hanging fruit. Sometimes this show just writes itself.

PIGOTT:  [Laughs]

WORLEY:  And we don’t even have to do any work. We come in and go, “Okay, that story, that story, that –.  Okay!  We’re done!” Three stories, we’re done, because it’s so egregious, the stuff that goes on out there.

PIGOTT:  Sure.

WORLEY:  And during the political campaign season, it’s going to be even worse.

PIGOTT:  It’s going to get hot.

WORLEY:  Now, you have a big event going on tomorrow.

PIGOTT:  I do. And it’s funny,–

WORLEY:  We gave you crap about this a couple weeks ago.

PIGOTT:  Obviously, I picked 6 PM on January 14 for my campaign kickoff party, long before the Broncos were even considered for the playoffs. And sure enough, they scheduled the divisional playoff game tomorrow at six.

WORLEY:  I couldn’t believe—

PIGOTT:  Coincides perfectly. So, due deference to Tim TiVo and the Denver Broncos, and is now the Denver-Patriots playoff party and Dave Pigott’s campaign kickoff party.  But it’s going to be at Bumpers Grill in Broomfield, 120th right off of 36. We’re going to have the game on. I’ve actually told everyone who is going to be there, there are going to be a lot of state legislators there, speeches may only be conducted between quarters and possibly the two-minute warning.  But nobody is allowed to talk during the game and fourth quarter, that’s it, everyone’s focused on the game. We are going to be cheering for the Broncos, and we are going to watch them win.

WORLEY:  [repeats the location information for the party], I have to say this carefully because I’m reading it off the thing, “Suggested donation is $33.33”.  Explain that.

PIGOTT:  So, of course, we are the house district 33.  Thirty-three seats is what is required to obtain a majority in the state legislature. We’ve had a 33 seat majority – 33-32, Republican to Democrats in the state legislature.  We need to hold 33 to maintain that majority.  So, just a little tongue-in-cheek, have a little fun with it, we say, you know, “house district 33 is the 33rd seat we need to keep in order to maintain a majority in the house”.  So, we figured that was also a good donation amount.

[Worley commits to attending the kick off party with his wife and kids, customers and friends.  Worley conveys an anecdote from one of his customers who is building a commercial structure in Brighton.  Construction on the building has been held up for a week, because plans did not include enough bushes nor plans for a bike rack.  Jason thinks this is ridiculous overreach of government and green zoning, because no one rides bikes in the winter outside of town in an industrial area, and also —  “who cares how many bushes there are”]

[Dave Pigott snorts and chuckles sympathetically while Worley tells the story]

PIGOTT:  All right. So, here’s what blows me away about that, and I didn’t know that.  But, what blows me away about what you just described, isn’t that there is some requirement for ny bushes.  I can believe that. The thing that blows my mind is the fact that not having enough bushes stopped construction. There wasn’t somebody on-site who could say, “Let me run to Home Depot.  I’ll grab a couple bushes and some steel.”

WORLEY:  NO!  They have to redo the plans because of it! You actually have to redo the plans and resubmit them. That’s how bad it is. That’s government – that’s that dog I was talking about earlier, up in your crotch. That’s the problem with government.

PIGOTT:  One of the things is going to be a big part of my campaign, and I’ll talk a little bit about it tomorrow night during my speech at half-time, is that friction that regulation introduces into business.  It’s that friction that takes the value out of transactions, prices people out of the market, and ultimately leads to a reduction in jobs.  But that’s a perfect example of regulation creating friction and sucking value out of the transaction for the benefit of no one.

WORLEY:  No.  those bushes help no one.  It’s not that big a deal.  They could plant them out in the field across the street and they would do just as much good.

PIGOTT:  Well, sure! It’s not even the bushes. It’s just the fact that the whole business transaction, the transaction of building a building, doing work, being productive, creating value for society is held up because somebody said, “Stop! We need five more bushes!”

WORLEY:  Point taken. David Pigott, give us your website.

PIGOTT: [Mr. Piggot spells it out, then adds, “One ‘g’, two ‘t’s – very important”]

WORLEY:  Make sure you donate.  He’s going to need some money.  This is going to be an interesting fight.

PIGOTT:  Absolutely. It’s going to be great.

WORLEY:  And we will be back on Monday, hopefully after a Broncos victory.

PIGOTT:  Hopefully, nothing!
