Backbone Radio, Helen Krieble, December 9, 2012

Station:      KNUS, 710AM

Show:        Backbone Radio with Krista Kafer and Matt Dunn

Guests:      Krieble


Date:         December 9, 2012

Topics:      Red Card Solution, Amnesty, Immigration, Work Permit, Visa, Employment Agencies, Outsourcing, Security Check, Background Check, Fingerprints, Border Security, Border Agents, Bureaucracy

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HOST KRISTA KAFER:   [Responding to Krieble’s assertion that the Red Card Solution is an advantage to the American Worker, because employers won’t want to pay the fees to employment agencies to find foreign workers, if they can hire someone from their community.]  Yeah, that makes sense.  So, what I can imagine is, say, out on the eastern plains we’ve got quite a bit of agriculture.  I could imagine that there are employers – family farms, small farmers, who need a group of people to do work at harvest time.  They’ve advertised in the local paper.   They’ve put it out there on Craigslist.  They’ve tried desperately to get a few Americans to come help pick those crops, and they haven’t gotten a single taker.  Now they’re faced with the prospect – let their entire investment, their farm, their products, their fruits and vegetables rot in the fields, or, they can hire someone illegal.  Meanwhile there’s an illegal worker here who needs to feed their family, who’s faced with another no-win situation.  They can go to work illegeally, or, they can try to make their way back to their country of origin empty handed.  This is a way of saying, “You know what?  We can find a way to make the necessary hiring of employees for these places legal, and we can make it at no cost to the American citizen.  So in this particular situation, you’ve got the farmer and the worker – what would the worker who’s here now, have to do in order to be legally hired by that farm?

HELEN KRIEBLE:    Well, when we did a poll, which is now about 4 years ago, Americans – 75 percent said that it was “amnesty” if people who had entered the country illegally could get right with our laws  inside the country.  So, our recommendation was [to]have these employment agencies outside our borders.  So, they don’t have to go home to their home countries.  But they must go, by appointment,  outside the borders, run through the security check, prove they have a job, or take a job, so they’re self-supporting, and return to the United States according to the rule of law.  Which, could all be done in 48 hours.  Because remember, you don’t have bureaucrats who have no incentives to do a hundred people a day versus two people a day.  But a private business has every incentive in the world to do it and do it well and quickly.  So, that would be our recommendation.  They would go through that process properly.  And it would work!  For all people in this country illegally, who have not committed a crime, and have a job, and that should be the only criteria, which again, is against this Let’s-Do-A-Special-Deal-For-This-Group-Or-A-Special-Deal-For-That-Group-And-Let-Everybody-Else-Suffer.  This solves the problem for everybody in the country now who is undocumented and anybody who wants to come into the country.  And there will be no wait list.  If you are a PhD, and there’s a job posted on that website, and you want to take it, then apply for it.  You get it, you go through the simple process, and you’re here in 48 hours with a legitimate work permit.  So, it’s good for people outside of the country.  It’s good for the undocumented inside the country.  It’s good for employers.  And it’s outstanding for border security, because the only way you’ll have border security is if people looking for work enter a gate.  And that leaves just the bad guys on the border for a border agent to capture.  And it will be a whole lot easier, because it might be 50,000 a year,  instead of 400,000-500,000 a year.

KAFER:  Well, what I can see, is that the illegal immigrants that are here in this country, that the vast majority who are not criminals, will just, you know, take that bus ticket—probably provided by their employer, go get that legal card, come back to work, and the remainder of the people who don’t want to get legal probably have a reason for not wanting to get legal, in that they’re probably criminals.

KRIEBLE:  Exactly.  Well, and exactly.  And I think, you know, when you have a chance to get legal, to prove yourself and you don’t take it, or if you’re an employer and you have a chance to get legal workers and you don’t take that opportunity, then you deserve to be criminalized.  And our laws should go into full effect against those people.  But the people who really want to obey the law, but just can’t find a way to do it, would have this mechanism.  And on the other side, the citizenship side, which is SO important.  We can’t devalue our citizenship.  We can’t give it away to people who don’t know what it is to be an American, who don’t understand that America is an idea, and that we are, “We the People” with a responsibility to preserve freedom and opportunity.    As individuals, the government reports to us.  If they don’t understand that, then they are not in a position to be offered citizenship.  They’re not Americans.  Being American has nothing to do with where you come from, or your culture, your language, your color, your religion.  It has nothing to do with that.  It has to do with the belief in founding principles.  And, um, just passing it out to tens of thousands of people, millions of people, who don’t know those things, and don’t have allegiance to the United States–that would be a terrible thing.  So, fixing citizenship and what we demand of people who want to be citizens, of putting the right process in, is something that’s going to take a little longer.   But just because you’re in the Work Permit Group doesn’t mean that you can’t join the Citizenship Group at some point.  […]