Grassroots Radio Colorado, John S. Lyons, March 20, 2012

Station:   560 AM, KLZ

Show:     Grassroots Radio Colorado

Guest:     Lyons


Date:      March 20, 2012

Topics:    SB-93, SB-46, SB-98, Healthcare, Zero Tolerance, Classroom Discipline, Public Schools, CUT pledge, Taxes, Revenue Forecast, , Business Impact, Nancy Todd, SD-28

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JASON WORLEY:  So, we are talking with John Lyons, who is running for State Senate District 28, where Nancy Todd will  be the ultimate opponent, but you are in a primary with one Arthur Carlson

JOHN S. LYONS:  Yes, I am.

JW:  And so what do you think the differences are between you and your opponent?  And I don’t want to get  nasty because I really… this one should be a friendly, because I like both of you guys. 

JL:  No, I like Art.  I think Art’s a nice guy, but there are certain things about a candidate that you need to do.  You know, a couple of them are that you have to appeal to the strength,  you know,  and the character to attract votes.   In the Assembly my first time out, ever running for a public office, I got…you know, a relative unknown, I got two-thirds of the people to agree with me, at the Assembly, and agree with what my message is.  And that’s, you know,  I think that’s a wonderful thing.  Um, you know, an ability to raise money.  You know, I can do that.  I’m already doing that.  I’ve had a lot of people help me and give me pointers on how to raise funds, and I certainly appreciate it. And you have to form a committee, you know—a grassroots committee, and this is what a committee is all about.  You know, ever since I announced back in January I’ve had a committee going. And we’ve been meeting about every other week.  It’s about six people.  I have a couple more people coming on board that I met at the Assembly, a couple people that I met at the Caucus were willing to help me, relative strangers.  In fact, on Thursday I’m going to meet with a couple more people who are willing to help. 

JW:  What county is that?

JL:  That’s Arapahoe.

JW:  Is it Arapahoe?  Oh, okay.  Have you had a chance to actually reach out to the Arapahoe County Tea Party yet?

JL:  Yes.  I went to one of their events a couple weeks ago on Tuesday. 

JW:  Okay.

JL:   [I] had a wonderful time.  A lot good turnout.

JW:  Yeah, obviously the president sits in this seat quite a bit—Randy B Corporon.  So, yeah.  It’s just weird, because you never know, some of Aurora is Adams [Country], some of it’s Arapahoe.

JL:  No, this district is all in Arapahoe County.

JW:  Okay, So that means at least you have a good Tea Party base out there.  That’s a good base to reach out to…  

[Break in Transcript]

JW: I want to jump a little bit, because I actually had a listener who had some questions about economics, and where you stand…  Let’s take a story [from] today:  “State Revenue Forecast comes in Much Better Than Expected.  It says 800 million dollars! (?)  Great!  Just what we need!  Put more money in the pockets of these guys to go out and spend.  The good news is I’m pretty sure we’re going to get the Homestead Exemption back.  The bad news is we’re going to spend more on a bad education system.  What would be … like, what wouold be one of the first economic bills you would run, if you got into office? 

JL:  I think it would be giving money back to the taxpayers.  I mean, ultimately, this is their money.  You know, if we have a surplus of, you know, what was it, 800 million dollars you said?

JW:  Well, it’s not a surplus, it’s coming in 800 million dollars more than they expected.

JL:  Right.  Well, I mean, any kind of surplus or whatever is expected should go back to the taxpayer.  I mean, I know how to spend money a lot better than the government does. When has a government program come in under budget and been efficient?

JW:  So, have you talked to… Have you signed the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights Pledge?

JL :  Um, not yet.

JW:  Are you planning to?

JL:  Yes. 

JW:  Okay, just…  I kind of figured on that.  What other things do you think… I mean, obviously…  I’m trying to think of what other…. What do you think about cutting regulations?  I don’t know if you saw , but the Business Impact failed in the Senate.

JL:  Right.

JW:  That’s a huge one.  I don’t know if you know about this one.  They ran a bill that said every bill that comes out, as well as an Economic Impact, it has to have a Business Impact , where you actually get business leaders to comment on it.

JL:  Right.

JW:  What did you think of that?

JL:  I think that was a good bill.  Um, you should…  I don’t know too much about it, but ultimately, it’s the businesses that’s got to pay the price for extra regulations.  I mean,…..

SUSAN KOCHEVAR (guest host):  Regulations cost money

JL:  I mean, for instance, I think it’s odd that, you know, I’ve heard on radio stations where there’s commercials playing where the company’s sole purpose is to do compliance regulations.  I mean, thank God for America, because someone came up with that, but you know, if regulations are so complicated that you have to have a separate company, you know, managing this stuff, there’s something’s wrong.

JW:   Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding! Winner!

SK:  You have to have an accountant to manage all those 80,000 pages of IRS code.

JW:  Right.  Yeah.  [..]

JL:  I mean, I started out my Assembly speech with the … you know, there’s over 160 bills that are introduced in this Senate, at an average length of nine pages per bill.  That’s 1,485 pages of new laws and new regulations.  I mean that’s enough to cover three-quarters of a football field. 

JW:  John Lyons, tell people how they can find you.

JL:  You can find me at my website, at  That’s Lyons: L-Y-O-N-S, for: F-O-R, Senate two eight dot com.

JW:  Perfect!  Thank you for being our guest.  We appreciate it!

JL:  Thank you!

JW:  Good luck!


[Transcript ended]