Raaki Garcia Show, Helen Krieble, May 14, 2013

Station:     KNRV, 1150 AM

Show:        Raaki Garcia Show

Guests:      Krieble 

Link:           http://raakigarcia.com/category/raaki-garcia-radio-show/

Date:           May 14, 2013       

Topics:      Red Card Solution, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), La Migra, Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Gang of Eight, Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Equestrian Center, Work Visas, H2B Visas, Quotas, Bureaucracy, Private Sector, Competition, Law and Order, Borders, Canada, Mexico, Background Checks, Database, Fees, Employment Agencies, Licensing

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  1. Helen Krieble’s history
    1. Raaki Garcia was convinced about Red card when she heard Helen’s story
    2. Krieble is from New England

i.      Family’s been here for over 400 years – like many Hispanic families in SW US

ii.      Moved to CO 20 yrs ago to open major international equestrian center

iii.      In 1995, I got raided

       3. I’ve always had H2B workers – with work visas

1.  They’ve always been great

2.  I rely on them

3.  They’re like family

        4.  At time of INS raid in 1995

1. Invaded with dogs and clubs

2. Hauled people away in leg irons

3. Threw them in a van

4.  Like they were criminals

5.   ‘horrifying’

6.  These were not my workers, because my workers were always legal

7.  Once I saw this, I said, “I cannot be a part of this, I cannot be around this!”

8.  This was when she decided to do something about it and Red Card was born

5.  One year, she got NO visas – translator says because quotas were full before she got hers

 i.      Workers showed up and wanted work

ii.      HK had to tell them that they couldn’t work

iii.      Still chokes her up.

iv.      RGarcia:  it’s a shame, because they had to risk their lives to come here, thinking they had work, and then found themselves in danger, because INS would then have HKrieble’s operation in her sights

v.      7 month window of work at HKrieble’s farm… most come from Mexico

2.  Red Card origin

    1. Since 1995 I’ve devoted at least half my life to formulate a policy that would work
    2. Basic belief:  easy, accessible Work permit for legal work is the cornerstone
    3. Green cards and citizenship is complex
    4. Easy permits vs. difficult complex citizenship – decided to separate these two components. 
    5. Translator:  People don’t want citizenship as much as they just want to work, to come out of the shadows. 

3.  Commercial Break –

4.  Now, immigration process is Bureaucratic, with quotas

    1. We suggest that process for work visas be based on demand of employers
    2. Should be run by private sector

 i.      Employers know best what they need in terms of foreign workers

ii.      They’ll do it because they’ll Profit

iii.      And it will be efficient

iv.      Translator:  big diff between current system and what HK proposes

3.  Example (from translator):  annual quota 65,000 H2B visas for entire country… that’s not enough for Colorado, let alone entire US

5.  Raaki’s father also had immigrant workers – 10 were allowed but needed many more.

6.  Who can request Red Card? 

    1. HKrieble:  anyone who wants work
    2. Those outside country, those inside the country illegally
    3. Must be very simple
    4. Requirements:

i.      Pass background check

ii.      Accept a job

5.  Once requirements are met, shouldn’t take more than 48 hours

6.  Translator:  talking about looking for work on internet – even foreigners from country of origin

7.  Employment agencies

    1. Age of Internet
    2. Fed. Gov. needs to license empl. Agencies

i.      Need to create a database managed by Employment Agencies

ii.      48 hours instead of 10 years

3.  Security Background check would include taking and registering fingerprints

8.  Government picks winners and losers in employment area

    1. Because of political pressure
    2. Lots of Ag, because that’s a big pressure group
    3. Almost no Construction , because Unions don’t want them
    4. But in US, all men are created equal –
    5. That Gov. picks winners/losers is immoral

9.  How much would the Red Card cost

1. Only $5

2. Printed here in Littleton

3. But employment agencies will determine their own rates – competition among agencies to benefit consumer

4. No taxes, no new gov.agency – supported by fees by both parties.

5.  No punishment for being here undocumented. 

i.      Let’s get the permits

ii.      Let’s get people out

iii.      We know who they are, where they are.

iv.      The Red Card will have biometrics

10. Commercial Break

11. Would workers need to LEAVE COUNTRY?

      1. HK:  Law and order contingent of activists are very strong and certain in their side of the debate, they want people to leave country

i.      Wouldn’t need to return to country of origin

ii.      Could just leave borders of US

iii.      According to current law

2. It would only take a week – to come out of the shadow

3.  I think times have changed, and if we could work a law  so people didn’t need to leave, I would love to see that happen



HOST RAAKI GARCIA:  Bueno.  Alli nos explico muy bien el asilo que nos aclaro Helen de esta propuesta de la Tarjeta Roja.  La siguiente pregunta que le tengo a Helen es bastante importante, porque ellos tienen los datos en su espacio de web, y vi un video, et cetera.  Entonces, una de las posibilidades que estan alli es que quizas sus participantes tienen que salir del pais.  Entonces yo, por transparencia, queria que ella nos placticara poquito de esto.  Y, este, porque yo se que muchos de Uds. van ir espacio del internet, entonces quiero estar muy claro sobre esto.  [TRANSLATION:  Okay.  She explained very well the asylum that Helen clarified about this Red Card proposal. The next question that I have for Helen is very important, because they have information on their website, and I saw a video, etc.  So, one of the possibilities that is mentioned there is that perhaps participants have to leave the country.  So I, for transparency sake, wanted for he to talk a little bit about this.  And this, because I know that many of you will go to the website, so I want to be very clear about this.]  Helen, my question is, would they need to go out of the country to participate in the Red Card. 

HELEN KRIEBLE:  It is simply a question of whether a bill can get passed or not.  The “law and order” people, who are a very strong part of this debate, say you must go outside of the borders of the country to enter legally according to our laws.  And that doesn’t mean go home to the Philippines if you’re a Phillippino, but go outside.  It would only take a week from anywhere in the United States with a forty-eight hour process to do this, so you’re out of the shadows in a week.  But I think times have changed.  And if it’s possible to pass a law by letting people get their work permits inside the country.  I would love to see that happen.

TRANSLATOR AND SPOKESWOMAN, LIZZIE NORRIS:  Esto es un punto sumamente importante, verdad, cuando hablamos de la Tarjeta Roja.  Y es simplemente que hoy en dia estamos preocupados que se pase una propuesta de ley para dar un permiso de trabajo.  La ley hoy en dia dice que es necesario salir a la frontera para luego —aplicar fuera de la frontera para luego regresar con un estatus legal, lo cual toma aproximadamente una semana.  Pero –  [TRANSLATION:  This is a very important point, right, when we talk about the Red Card.  And it is simply that today we are worried about getting a bill passed that gives permission to work.  The law today says that it is necessary to leave outside the border to then – you must apply from outside the border to then return with legal status, which would take approximately a week, but –] 

GARCIA:  [inaudible] el processo de la Tarjeta Roja.

NORRIS:  Correcto.  Bueno, y decia ella, asi por ejemplo si tu eres de las Filipinas, no tienes que ir a las Filipinas para aplicar.  Tendrias que salir simplemente fuera de la frontera de los Estado Unidos, ya sea en Canada o la frontera con Mexico.  Pero, es cierto que los tiempos estan cambiando, que la actitud en relacion a este punto ha cambiado.  Y nuestro deseo es que la gente no tenga que salir, que se pueda apli – puedan aplicar desde aqui mismo, desde [inaudible] sin tener que salir, porque la realidad es que hay mucho temor.  La gente siente temor de que, “Bueno, que pasa si salgo y no puedo entrar de nuevo?”  Entonces nosotros, inicialmente, — Helen habia propuesto, “Bueno, para seguir con la espiritu de la ley, yo propongo que la gente salga a la frontera, appliqué en la frontera, y regrese.”  Pero, es possible que este punto, afortunadamente, pueda cambiar, de modo de que la gente ya no tenga que salir.  Pero este no es decision nuestra, obviamente.  Va ser decision del Congreso.  [TRANSLATION:  Correct.  And she was saying that if, for example, you are from the Philippines, you don’t have to go to the Philippines to apply.  You would have to leave only outside the border of the United States, that being Canada or the Mexican border.  But, it’s true that the times they are a changin’ and the attitudes in relation to this point have changed.  And our wish is that people wouldn’t have to leave, that they’d be able to — they’d be able to apply from right here, without having to leave.  Because the reality is, there is a lot of fear.  People feel afraid that, “Okay, what happens if I leave and I can’t enter again?”  So we, initially, — Helen had proposed, “Okay, to follow the spirit of the law, I propose that people would leave to the border, apply from the border, and return.”  But it’s possible that this point, fortunately, could change, in a way that people would not need to leave.  But this is not our decision to make, obviously.  It is going to be a decision for Congress to make.] 

GARCIA:  Mm-hmm.  Que bien.  Me gusta ese idea, sobre todo, la oportunidad de las personas que ya estan aqui, porque eso es tipicamente, digo personalmente yo se, conozco muchas personas que estan en esta situacion.  Entonces seria muy dificil ese cambio – [TRANSLATION:  Mm-hmm.  Very good.  I like this idea, especially the opportunity of people that are here already, because this is typically – I mean, I personally know many people that are in this situation.  And this change would be very difficult.] 

NORRIS:  Dar ese paso, no?

GARCIA:  Si, si.  Y digo, pero a la misma vez, conozco a otras personas que se casaron con Americano, y se salen del pais.  O sea, cada caso es diferente.  Yo se. 

NORRIS:  Claro. 

GARCIA:  Pero, era un punto importante de aclarar para — por honrar la transparencia de asegurarnos de quedarnos muy claros todos.

NOTES (continued)


12.  What about families?  What’s the first step?

    1. HK:  in most countries there is a visa for family accompanying a guest worker
    2. Red Card should have the same provision.

 i.      It is cruel to separate families

ii.      Now, a seasonal or very temporary, short term worker might be a diff. story

iii.      PhD will of course bring their family

iv.      That flexibility is needed. 

3.  First Step:

i.      Wait for law to be passed.

ii.      Then you can move forward

iii.      Gang of 8 plan is more of the same

          1. Gov. control
          2. Quotas
          3. We hope that House of Reps will change this, and implement the Red Card Solutio

13.  CALLER: Jose

    1. Can residents get American Passports
    2. Lizzie Norris:  passport comes with citizenship, and this is VERY SEPARATE from the Red Card Solution
    3. RGarcia:  refers Jose to Mexican consulate

14.  Helen Krieble:  If listeners think this is a good idea, we need your help

    1. Go to website www.redcard.com
    2. Sign the petition on the website
    3. Blog
    4. Pressure Congress – show them that Hispanics support this idea of getting legal and out of the shadows in 48 hours
    5. Call 720-369-8570