Chuck & Julie Show, Marianne Goodland, October 1, 2019

Station:    KNUS, 710 am

Show:       Chuck & Julie Show

Guests:    Goodland, Marianne


Date:       October  1, 2019

Topics:     GEO

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CO-HOST JULIE HAYDEN [00:00:02] Julie Hayden, Chuck Bonniwell — Chuck is, he was doing lawyerly stuff. Oh! He’s wandering in. He’s coming in the door at the last second. But we have with us here in studio Marianne Goodland. Folks who listen to us are familiar with her. We’ve had her on before, from Colorado Politics. Chuck, bursting in the door. [We] wanted to talk — because we’ve been getting a lot of e-mails and texts and things like that from people saying, “What’s the deal with this Polis thing?” And Marianne, you had a great column — or article, I guess — in Colorado Politics about all of this. And let me — before we dive into that, because we talked about it a little bit in our show in the past. But let me make clear, just so folks aren’t confused, there was the Dismiss Polis recall effort that was the group circulating the petitions, and then said they gathered, like, roughly 300,000 [signatures], not enough, though, to submit them, so they didn’t. But they were the group that was actually circulating the petitions.

CO-HOST CHUCK BONNIEWELL [00:00:59] And there was an allied group called ‘Resist Polis PAC’.

REPORTER AT COLORADO POLITICS, MARIANNE GOODLAND [00:00:59] [reciting with Bonniwell] Resist Polis PAC.

BONNIWELL [00:00:59] Yeah.

HAYDEN [00:00:59] Right. And there was — but the group that we’re talking about, that I have for some time suspected — and we’ll get into this — was either Democrat operatives or con artists or some combination of the above, is the official Polis group. And maybe, let’s start by saying they’ve gotten themselves in a little bit of a hot water with the secretary of state’s office or with some of the people who donated to them. So, why do you just jump in and explain that.

GOODLAND [00:01:24] Okay. The name of this group is ‘The Official Recall Governor Jared Polis Committee.’ It’s an issue committee. And it’s — this committee has been around for a long time under other names. It was started off a couple of years ago. Their target at that time was Governor John Hickenlooper. They never did anything to start a recall of Governor Hickenlooper. So, you fast forward into this year and you had things like the Red Flag law, the oil and gas bill, the sex ed bill, — different things — and National Popular Vote, of course, which will be on the ballot next year. And people started talking about recalls again. So this group changed its name to ‘The Official Recall Jared Polis.’ And ‘The Official’ is an honorific that they gave themselves.

HAYDEN [00:02:06] Right.

GOODLAND [00:02:07] There is nothing official about them.

HAYDEN [00:02:08] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:02:08] And all of these different groups were actually all — at one point — were just one group. But there was a split in philosophy, among other things. And so, the folks who formulated ‘Dismiss Polis’ and ‘Resist Polis’ went off and did their own thing. And that has led to some very interesting conversations between the various groups on social media. They’re all screaming — they’ve been screaming at each other for months.

HAYDEN [00:02:36] — Forever, yes!

GOODLAND [00:02:38] Forever,. So, the ‘Dismiss Polis,’ ‘Resist Polis’ people went out, did the petitions, collected the signatures, didn’t turn them in.

BONNIWELL [00:02:45] And [they] invited the ‘Official Recall’ to–.

HAYDEN [00:02:50] –to join them.

BONNIWELL [00:02:50] –to collect the signatures, too.

GOODLAND [00:02:50] — to join in, and they had no interest, whatsoever. In fact, they were telling their people, their donors, — and they raised more money than anyone else — they were telling their donors that the people who were out doing the petitions were out there doing data mining, and all kinds of different things, and they weren’t serious, and, “Don’t sign the petitions.”   And in fact, most of the money that they spent — the ‘Official Polis’ group — was on advertising, trying to persuade people not to sign the petitions.

HAYDEN [00:03:18] [simoultaneously, with Goodland] –not to sign.

BONNIWELL [00:03:18] Which is truly bizarre. I mean–.

HAYDEN [00:03:20] Right, if you really wanted to recall Polis–.

BONNIWELL [00:03:22] You would either join in, or you’d be neutral and wait to it either failed or didn’t fail, and then do it yourself.

GOODLAND [00:03:28] Correct.

BONNIWELL [00:03:28] I mean, there’s little –.

HAYDEN [00:03:30] So, I was skeptical about them. Well, so, fast forward to now –.

GOODLAND [00:03:35] — to last week, actually.

HAYDEN [00:03:36] And we found out what they’d been doing besides the advertising with some of the other money that they had raised. And that’s the big issue.

GOODLAND [00:03:43] They raised a total of about $114,000.

BONNIWELL [00:03:46] Which for Republicans is a lot. [For] Democrats, that’s nothing. But for Republicans, that’s a lot of money. .

GOODLAND [00:03:50] Well, given that there — that you didn’t have the Republican establishment backing them.

BONNIWELL [00:03:56] Right. Right.

GOODLAND [00:03:56] You know, this was really just small groups of people who were involved in this particular group, this ‘Official Polis’ group. So, they raised $114,000, and a couple of weeks ago we found out that they had — that Juliandra Fuentes, who is the person who runs this, had put $29,000 into a committee that she also runs, called ‘Colorado for Trump.’ And that was not — that didn’t go over well with a lot of the donors.  They were like, “What are you doing?”

HAYDEN [00:04:24] Right.

GOODLAND [00:04:24] And the Trump campaign also did not take kindly to this. The RNC said, “You have no official ties, and you’re using Trump’s name, and we will take action if you don’t drop it.” She hasn’t done that yet.

HAYDEN [00:04:36] Ahhh! So, don’t give to that group!

GOODLAND [00:04:37] Yeah. So, that’s still out there. But then last week, the filing that they did identified $11,000 in payments to three members of the board. Now, when a committee is shutting down — and they had said that they were.

HAYDEN [00:04:53] Right.

GOODLAND [00:04:53] [00:04:53]They told Kyle Clark at 9News that they were shutting the committee down. You have certain places that you can send that money.  You can send it to another committee, as they did with that –. [9.2s]

HAYDEN [00:05:02] [00:05:02]They made up the Trump committee. [0.7s]

GOODLAND [00:05:04] [00:05:04]Or you can send it to a charity. That’s it. You are not allowed to put that money in your own pocket. [5.8s] The board — Shane Donnelly, who was the guy who actually founded this group a couple of years ago, got $5,000.

HAYDEN [00:05:19] For what? Gifts?

GOODLAND [00:05:20] Uhh, a gift.  Well, the initial filing said that it was ‘gifts’ — a thank you gift for–.  It said — the purpose line on the filing said ‘Board gift,” — and that’s an important word, here — “Thank you for caring about Colorado.”  And then two other people, the board secretary, Lisa Pascoe, and a  — Renee McGill, who is the lead — whatever that means — for Weld Couinty. Both of them got $3,000 apiece, and the filing said the same thing:  “Board gift.” Well, our story came out at about 2:00-ish, Thursday afternoon. [At] 4:15, [00:06:00]they amended that report. [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:06:02] Well, what do you know?

HAYDEN [00:06:02] [laughs] So, it’s not a gift. What was it then?

GOODLAND [00:06:05] Well, it changed from –.

HAYDEN [00:06:06] [00:06:06]They didn’t give the money back. [0.7s]

GOODLAND [00:06:07] [00:06:07]Oh, no! No, no, no, no, [1.5s] that would have–.Yeah.  No, that didn’t happen. [00:06:11]They changed the category from ‘gift’ to ‘consultant and professional service.’. [4.9s] And this is a catch-all that committees use for all kinds of stuff. They use it for advertising. They use it for lawyers fees, just all kinds of different things, falls under that category. And a lot of times it’s not even appropriate.

HAYDEN [00:06:28] Right.

GOODLAND [00:06:29] But that’s just — nobody fusses about it, so that’s just how it goes. [00:06:32]But the purpose line — and this is where it gets important, again –said ‘Board Approved, thank you for caring about Colorado.” So, it still implies that it is a gift. [11.8s]

HAYDEN [00:06:46] Right.

GOODLAND [00:06:46] [00:06:46]And lots of us have been trying to get a hold of Fuentes to ask her about this. [4.3s] Finally, late Friday, she spoke to KDVR.

BONNIWELL [00:06:54] Yes, that was an interesting conversation.

GOODLAND [00:06:55] Yeah, and [00:06:55]she had three reasons for what the board had done. [7.0s] The first was, “This is fake news!”. [laughs]

HAYDEN [00:07:03] Oh! And we’ll go there because she has been trying that for a while.

GOODLAND [00:07:09] [00:07:09]She said, “This is all fake news.”  And I went, “Hmmmm. A legal filing with the secretary of state. Fake news. Okay.”  That was reason one. Reason number two: an intern had done the filing and made a mistake. That was reason number two. But reason number three is the one that just had my jaw on the floor, which was. “Well, these people needed the money.” One of them has a sister who’s got cancer, and the other one’s — her husband lost his job in the oil and gas industry, so they really needed the money, [31.7s] –.

BONNIWELL [00:07:41] Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure!

GOODLAND [00:07:41] [00:07:41]–which refutes everything else that she had said. Yes, those were gifts. [3.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:07:44] Right.

GOODLAND [00:07:45] Now, the thing about campaign finance law in Colorado, the Secretary of State is not going to do anything about this unless someone files a complaint.

HAYDEN [00:07:55] [00:07:55]Matt Arnold. But, yeah! [laughs] No. No, I don’t think so on this one.  [3.5s]

GOODLAND [00:07:58] [00:07:58]Um, no, not on this one. [0.5s]

BONNIWELL [00:08:00] He might.

GOODLAND [00:08:00] But, so, that’s the next thing that I’m watching for, is to see — and [00:08:05]they’ve already had a campaign finance complaint filed against them by a donor who said that they had been asking for their money back and they wouldn’t do it. The committee has never refunded a single donation. [8.2s]

HAYDEN [00:08:14] But they’ve paid off themselves.

GOODLAND [00:08:15] But they’ve paid off themselves. [00:08:16]They’ve paid off their attorney, Scott Gessler. [1.6s]

BONNIWELL [00:08:18] [00:08:18]Really? Scott Gessler? [0.1s]

GOODLAND [00:08:21] [00:08:21]Scott Gessler got $9,500 out of that committee. [2.1s]

BONNIWELL [00:08:24] Wow, I’m shocked — a little bit surprised that has decided to — when [unintelligible].

HAYDEN [00:08:27] Was that early on, or was that recently?

GOODLAND [00:08:29]  This was a series of four payments, I believe.

HAYDEN [00:08:31] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:08:31] So, it was like — I don’t know — a retainer fee, or something.

HAYDEN [00:08:34]  Right.

GOODLAND [00:08:34] You know, it was four different payments. So, now we’re waiting to see if anybody actually files a complaint about that, because our campaign finance enforcement system is citizen driven.

HAYDEN [00:08:46] Let me make sure that –.

BONNIWELL [00:08:46] It’s hard to know what it’s driven, these days.

GOODLAND [00:08:46] Ugh, that, too!.  But for intents and purposes, it is citizen driven. If a donor wants to complain that they’ve asked for their money back and the committee won’t give it to them, that’s going to be a little hard because the campaign finance complaint that was filed about six weeks ago or so, the secretary of state dismissed it because even though the purpose of the committee is to recall the governor, there isn’t anything that says you actually have to do it.

HAYDEN [00:09:15] Right, which is a big issue, but –. Let me just once again — Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden, talking with Marianne Goodland about her article in Colorado Politics — and this is something we followed loosely. And I think it’s important to keep emphasizing — because we like the ‘Dismiss Polis’ people –.

BONNIWELL [00:09:29] Well, they did what they promised to do.

GOODLAND [00:09:29] They did what they said they were going to do, yes.

HAYDEN [00:09:33] This is a group that — from the beginning — tried to undermine them. My question is — but first, I want to get into what you think the motive is. But when they were the ‘Official Recall Hickenlooper,.’ did they raise money there?  And you said they never did anything to recall.

GOODLAND [00:09:43] Minimally, small.

HAYDEN [00:09:43] Okay, not very much. Okay.

GOODLAND [00:09:43] Not anywhere near what they raised this year.

HAYDEN [00:09:43] And so what they did, though, is they not only didn’t spend the money actually trying to recall Polis–.

BONNIWELL [00:09:56] They fought the recall of Polis!

GOODLAND [00:09:57] They did, yes!

HAYDEN [00:09:57] They used the money to fight the recall. They gave some of the money to themselves that they — and who knows what they did with some of the money–. I mean, I think it be–.

BONNIWELL [00:10:05] Well, I think we know.

HAYDEN [00:10:05] Let me just finish.

BONNIWELL [00:10:11] No, I think the listing is probably accurate. They gave it to Maryanne Fuentes and her new group.

HAYDEN [00:10:13] [correcting Bonniwell] Juliandra.

BONNIWELL [00:10:14] Julianne, rather. And they gave it to all these board members . \

HAYDEN [00:10:15] That’s what I was going to say.

BONNIWELL [00:10:15] And other than that, they, you know–.

HAYDEN [00:10:15] They just kept it.

GOODLAND [00:10:15] Yeah, they just kept it. They’ve still got about $14,000 in the bank, so it’ll be interesting to see what they do with the rest of it.

HAYDEN [00:10:27] So now, Juliandra Fuentes has formed this group — which to me is just seems as a blatant attempt to just keep the money, only you’ve got to change the name of the group and wait and see–.

BONNIWELL [00:10:28] Yeah, right, and she’ll pay it to herself!

HAYDEN [00:10:28] I mean, my guess is there will probably be–. I mean, this is kind of like when there’s a hurricane and all kinds of people call up and say, “Oh! Donate to the Hurricane Relief Fund!” — right? And like one penny of it goes to hurricane relief and everybody keeps it. I imagine that there are political things like this that go on. And if you’re the Trump campaign, you’ve got to decide, you know, what– who do you bother to knock off?

BONNIWELL [00:11:00] Well, I mean, why is it just out-and-out — well, there is no crime called ‘fraud.’ But it is just out-and-out fraud.

HAYDEN [00:11:11] It is fraud!

GOODLAND [00:11:11] It is, but it’s not illegal.

BONNIWELL [00:11:11] Well, I would say it was illegal to give it to individuals, and not to a charity.

GOODLAND [00:11:13] That part — they could get a campaign finance complaint and a fine out of that.

BONNIWELL [00:11:18] Well, the IRS could could do it. You didn’t give it –you said you had to give it to a charity. You didn’t give it to a charities, you [gave it to] yourself.

GOODLAND [00:11:27] Well, they did give some money to charity. They gave out about — and I can’t remember what the exact amount [was] — but they gave some money to a Boys and Girls Club in Weld County, and to a Boy Scout troop. So they did give some money off to charity, which is perfectly legal for them to do. It’s just the gifts to these board members, volunteers — whatever they happen to be — is not allowed. I tis just flat out not allowed [indiscernible].

BONNIWELL [00:11:47] Well, you know, there is  — and, you know, you can go through the statutes and eventually come up with one [specifiying it’s a crime] to raise money or do things for one purpose and then use it for absolute another, you’re defrauding people. It’s defrauding people, saying, “Please give me money and we’ll fight for the recall of Polis,” and you didn’t say, “and pay ourselves, and off to Trump,” which these donors may or may not be for or against.

HAYDEN [00:12:11] Well, it’s an effort to continue fundraising, right?  Now they’re–.

GOODLAND [00:12:14] Yeah! Yeah, they got–.

BONNIWELL [00:12:14] Well, she’ll pay it to herself out of that committee — or to board members out of that committee.

HAYDEN [00:12:14] Right, right.

BONNIWELL [00:12:14] I mean, it just seems to me, if we had an Attorney General who did anything other than file amicus briefs across the country–.

GOODLAND [00:12:14] But this isn’t his area. This is the Secretary of State’s [unintelligible].

BONNIWELL [00:12:14] But fruad is his area.

GOODLAND [00:12:30]  That’s true.

BONNIWELL [00:12:32] And so with DAs. I mean, you know, if this was done by anybody else –. I mean, we really are at a point, because you have an attorney general who has his own agenda. I mean, he makes no qualms about it. He’s got his own agenda. You have what everybody perceives as a crooked, dishonest Secretary of State, who who spends her time–.

HAYDEN [00:12:53] You don’t have to comment on that, Marianne.

BONNIWELL [00:12:53] Well, no! You don’t have to. I mean, she’s generally viewed by that — is Jena [Griswold] — who spends her time consulting with Planned Parenthood and how she should respond to various questions. I mean, it’s just — and was going to, you know, was going to run for U.S. Senate, and then, you know, when they told her    –.

HAYDEN [00:13:10] She wasn’t a minority.

BONNIWELL [00:13:12] She wasn’t a minority, yeah. I mean, so she didn’t [run for Senate]. And so, I don’t think I know anyone who has any trust in Jena Griswold — I mean, no one!

HAYDEN [00:13:12] But let me–.

BONNIWELL [00:13:12] And the Attorney General — I mean, I think people view her as really just simply a political operative and a disgrace in the office. Weiser, i think, has not given anybody much hope that he’ll do anything else but have a political agenda. And maybe that’s what he was elected for, maybe that’s what people want him to do, to go after Trump and everything else.

HAYDEN [00:13:36] [00:13:36]But, here’s my question, though. Because here’s what I wonder — and we’ve briefly talked off-air and I want to get your opinion on this– from the beginning, I’ve wondered about these people, are they some sort of — maybe not Democrat Party-sanctioned, but — some sort of Democrat operative working to undermine them? Or are they just con artists? [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:13:59] [00:13:59]I’ve seen no evidence from following them on social media and talking to people, I’ve seen no evidence that they have any ties whatsoever to the Democratic Party. [8.5s]

HAYDEN [00:14:08] Yeah, that’s kind of what I’ve heard, too.

BONNIWELL [00:14:09] [00:14:09]Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. Though, it is strange. I mean. while they raised $114,000, groups to resist the recall–. [6.5s]

GOODLAND [00:14:16] [00:14:16]–didn’t raise anything even close to that. [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:14:16] Yeah.

GOODLAND [00:14:16] But look what they got done. They mobilized people all over the state.

HAYDEN [00:14:16] Right.

GOODLAND [00:14:16] They had a great ground game.

HAYDEN [00:14:16] Yes,.

GOODLAND [00:14:16] You know, I watched that for months, while they were getting set up to do this.

HAYDEN [00:14:18] They did!

GOODLAND [00:14:28] They had a great ground game.

BONNIWELL [00:14:28] [00:14:28]No, but the other side — I mean — of people who didn’t want Polis recalled. There was very active groups.  [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:14:28] Absolutely, and that’s — but that’s another issue I want to bring up, here.

HAYDEN [00:14:28] Sure.

BONNIWELL [00:14:28] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:14:40] [00:14:40]You had two different groups, one called Democracy First Colorado, and the other called Our Colorado Way of Life, who very early — before the Polis recall got started, this goes back to when Tom Sullivan was being targeted — got very active in the anti-recall movement; going out, knocking on doors, telling people not to sign petitions, that kind of thing. They started off with Tom Sullivan. They got a boatload of money; It’s like $900,000. [22.6s]

BONNIWELL [00:15:03] Yeah, right! A lot of money!

GOODLAND [00:15:03] [00:15:03]They raised a lot of money! — a lot of it from the gun control side: Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand, all those different groups, gave them lots and lots of money.[0.1s]

BONNIWELL [00:15:03] Bloomberg, yeah.

GOODLAND [00:15:13] Now, one of the things I’ve been watching for — and unfortunately, we won’t know this for about another two weeks yet, so keep your eyes peeled with Colorado Politics because I’m going to — I’m ready to jump on this.

HAYDEN [00:15:20] Okay. We’ll have you back!

GOODLAND [00:15:20] [00:15:20]The governor sent out two emails soliciting funds to fight the recall. The first one was when the recall was going on against him. The second one was when all the rest of them dropped off except for the one against Leroy Garcia. [19.0s]

HAYDEN [00:15:39] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:15:40] [00:15:40]And that one’s still going on until — I think they’ve got until the 18th to turn in their signatures. [4.2s]

HAYDEN [00:15:44] [00:15:44]Right. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:15:45] [00:15:45]That’s right. So, he sends out these fundraising e-mails that says, “Please send me money so we can fight the recalls!”  Guess where that money went! [It] didn’t go to Democracy First. [It] didn’t go to Our Colorado Way of Life. [9.9s]

HAYDEN [00:15:55] [00:15:55][guessing] It went to Polis. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:15:55] [00:15:55]It went to Polis’s campaign committee! [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:15:55] [00:15:55]You’re kidding! [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:15:55] [00:15:55]I kid you not. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:15:55] Oh!

BONNIWELL [00:15:55] Wow!

GOODLAND [00:15:55] [00:15:55]And not one penny of it — I have not seen one penny of it sent to the groups that were actually doing the work to fight the recall.[9.9s]

HAYDEN [00:16:06] [00:16:06]So, he was — allegedly, at least, as far as we know, right now–. Now, of course, watch, tomorrow, like at three o’clock, you can watch the file — Boop! he will give them like $20, or something like that, now that you’ve made that public. So, what you’re saying –. [8.6s]

BONNIWELL [00:16:17] Well, [unintelligible–crosstalk].

GOODLAND [00:16:19] [00:16:19]Well I just finished — I’ve written two stories about this. It’s already out there. [3.1s]

HAYDEN [00:16:23] Okay, so he, then — what Polis did, is essentially use the recall effort to fundraise, but didn’t bother to give it to–. And he has plenty of money.

GOODLAND [00:16:29] ]simoultaneously, with Hayden] –to fundraise. You’ve got it! As far as we know! As far as– [00:16:29]we aren’t going to know until the 15th whether he actually sent any of that money to the groups who are actually doing the anti-recall work. [9.8s]

HAYDEN [00:16:42] That’s interesting. That’s pretty — well, and we know there’s going to be legislation.  That’s kind of — that can’t sit very well if you’re Leroy Garcia, right? Or if you’re somebody like — or Tom Sullivan, who’s got to worry about fighting this. I guess he had money, but–.

BONNIWELL [00:16:54] Well, but once again, I’m a — you know, I guess I could go through enough criminal statutes and figure out where I can kind of fit it in. But it does seem that you know raising money for false purposes — you know, saying you’re going to do ‘A” and you have no intention of doing ‘A,’ constitutes a fraud on the public.

GOODLAND [00:17:05] Yes,.

BONNIWELL [00:17:05] And not that the DA is — that’s a joke! But I would imagine, at some point, some local DA may. Some local DA may kind of go, “Oh! I’ll think I’ll charge Polis!”

GOODLAND [00:17:23] [00:17:23]Well, we had this — but we had the same situation on the Republican side and the recall — and this one was for ‘Dismiss [Polis]’ and ‘Resist Polis’ — where you had Values First — oh, I’m sorry — [pause] — the House GOP committee — [trying to remember the name of the committee] Values First Colorado[3.5s]

HAYDEN [00:17:39] OK I know. Yeah.

GOODLAND [00:17:42] [00:17:42]Okay, yeah!  This is the that’s run by the minority leader and his brother. [2.6s]

BONNIWELL [00:17:46] Yes,.

GOODLAND [00:17:46] [00:17:46]Well, they were also sending out e-mails saying, “Send us money! We’re going to fight the recall!”  [They] didn’t send the money to the recall committees until I started writing about and saying, “If you’re raising this money, why haven’t the recall committees seen any of it.?” And the recall people told me that they were a little bit frustrated by the conversations they were having about them fundraising and not sending them the money. Now, — so they wound up — they did get a check for about $5,000. [19.3s]

BONNIWELL [00:18:10] Well, they also set up a separate committee that was devoted to –.

GOODLAND [00:18:14] [00:18:14]Take Back Colorado. [0.2s]

BONNIWELL [00:18:14] –that was devoted to the recalls.

HAYDEN [00:18:14] to the overall –. [00:18:14]Yeah! We’re friends with Patrick Neville, so I’m not going to– because i know he’s been on the show and talked about this a little bit. And I don’t want to get too deep in the weeds, but I think he would refute that, and said that they did have this other committee.  [12.4s] But let’s go back and–.

GOODLAND [00:18:28] [00:18:28]They didn’t set that Committee up until well after they had sent out the fundraising e-mails, a good month [after]. [4.4s]

HAYDEN [00:18:34] Okay. What about, though — back to this Polis thing, because again–.

BONNIWELL [00:18:38] Well, I want to bring up one other thing!

HAYDEN [00:18:38] Oh.

BONNIWELL [00:18:38] I mean, one of the things that the groups did — and there are videos of it — is that they’d harass, attack — physically attack — people going out and getting signatures.

HAYDEN [00:18:48] The anti-Polis Recall people.

BONNIWELL [00:18:48] The anti-Polis Recall people.

GOODLAND [00:18:48] The anti — Yeah, there were some incidents in Jefferson County, that I know of.

BONNIWELL [00:18:48] Yeah. So, that’s a very active way — if you’re trying to stop a recall, one of the best ways to do it is to head up the recall yourself, which is really what they did. And the ‘Official Recall Polis’ group–.

HAYDEN [00:19:05] –which is a bad Recall Polis group.

BONNIWELL [00:19:07] The bad Recall Polis, the only thing they did with the money was, in fact, [to] fight the recall.

GOODLAND [00:19:14] Yeah, exactly.

HAYDEN [00:19:14] Well, no! And give it to themselves.

BONNIWELL [00:19:15] And give it to themselves,.but–.

GOODLAND [00:19:18] Well, the vast majority of that money went for radio and banners and buttons and T-shirts, all of it against the recall.

BONNIWELL [00:19:27] So, why would you do that? I mean I understand why–.

HAYDEN [00:19:31] Right! What’s the–.

BONNIWELL [00:19:31] What’s the motive, if you’re not a corrupt group. I mean, I can understand your saying, “Well, this isn’t our thing, but we’re not going to help. We’re not going to do anything.” But to fight someone else’s one, when all you’ve been set up for is to help recall Polis–. I mean, it’s a bizarre–.

HAYDEN [00:19:48] Well, and then, they never–.

GOODLAND [00:19:48] [00:19:48]Well, that’s a question you’re going to have to ask Juliandra Fuentes about. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:19:48] [00:19:48]Well, we tried! We tried. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:19:48] [00:19:48]Oh, believe me, so have I!  She has never called a phone call. [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:19:48] Well, Julie got to talk to her!

HAYDEN [00:19:48] Well, here’s what happened. This– We’ll talk — we’ll tease this before. [00:19:58]She kind of — I think unintentionally– she’s a slick character! [3.5s]

GOODLAND [00:20:03] Yeah.

HAYDEN [00:20:03] And she is — [00:20:04]she’s able to con some people, and–. [2.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:20:07] [00:20:07]Males! [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:20:07] [00:20:07]Yeah, guys! And unfortunately,–. [2.1s]

GOODLAND [00:20:10] [00:20:10]Women, too. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:20:10] [00:20:10]She came here, and she did not con us. And then she stormed out! But we’ll get to–. [4.8s]

BONNIWELL [00:20:16] She probably would have conned me. I would’ve gone for it. You know what I mean?

HAYDEN [00:20:20] Yeah! I’m like, “No!” So, Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden, here, with Marianne Goodland with Colorado Politics. […]  Everybody hang on. We’re going to go to Steffan with the breaking news, and then we’ll go to a break.

HAYDEN [00:25:52] […] We’re going to take a break when we come back. We’ll get back with Marianne Goodwin from Colorado Politics on the bad Recall Polis group, which I think is nothing but a bunch of con artists. But we’ll get back to that after this.[We’ll] be right back.

[00:26:05] [commerical break].

HAYDEN [00:26:14] […]  I want to clarify before we get back into it — because we get a lot of text and e-mails with it. And there was — ane I’m  just going to be — I can call them this, Marianne, I know you can’t.  There was a good Recall Polis group, and the bad Recall Polis group.  The good Recall Polis group is the ‘Dismiss Polis’ campaign that actually went out, pulled petitions, gathered signatures,–.

BONNIWELL [00:27:03] And as a matter — we were talking off-air. Man, you know, they really went out and worked very hard,.

GOODLAND [00:27:08] They worked very hard. They had businesses lined up in dozens and dozens of Colorado counties where you could go in and sign a petition–

HAYDEN [00:27:16] Yep.

GOODLAND [00:27:17] –Somewhere between 45 and 50, if I remember correctly.

BONNIWELL [00:27:19] And they gathered — by their calculations, you know  — 300,000 signatures.  And everything I saw them do was on the up and up.

HAYDEN [00:27:27] Right.

GOODLAND [00:27:27] Very much so.

BONNIWELL [00:27:28] And we heard a few snarky remarks by — who was it?

HAYDEN [00:27:32] Well, the mean Recall Polis people.

BONNIWELL [00:27:32] No, no, no, no. Well, you know, the, uh — oh, God, you always hear him. Eric Sonderman! He’s got — they’ve got an ad for him right here, claiming he didn’t believe the number they said.

HAYDEN [00:27:41] Oh, yeah, they didn’t believe the numbers.

BONNIWELL [00:27:41] You know, Eric, you donb’t always have to be snarky.

HAYDEN [00:27:45] Whatever they got — right — they worked hard to get it.

GOODLAND [00:27:48] They worked hard. They worked very hard.


HAYDEN [00:27:48] And — but in the meantime, there was this group that called themselves ‘The Official Polis Group,’– nothing offical about it, other than–.

GOODLAND [00:27:53] Not one thing, other than the fact that they decided that that’s what they would call themelsves.

HAYDEN [00:27:58] Right, which sounds good. And before that, they were the offical recall Hickenlooper group, where they did nothing. Then they became ‘The Official Polis Group’ where they did nothing except raise money. And now they’ve become a Trump kind-of-something, and the Trump — the real Trump people — have said they might take legal action against them if they don’t quit calling themselves that. And what [00:28:17]we were talking about is your story, where you revealed that the campaign finance reports indicate that they paid themselves, first as gifts, then it was going to be as a consultant.  [9.5s] And my question to you is–.

BONNIWELL [00:28:28] Well, then, third–.

HAYDEN [00:28:29] Well, let me just finish–.

BONNIWELL [00:28:29] No, wait a minute. Thirdly, they went to channel 31 and said it was–.

HAYDEN [00:28:34] They needed it.

BONNIWELL [00:28:34] [00:28:34]They just gave it to them becauise these board members just needed if for–. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:28:34] [00:28:34]needed the money. [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:28:38] [00:28:38]Needed the money. I mean, bizarre! [0.9s]

GOODLAND [00:28:39] [00:28:39]I’m sorry, that’s not covered under campaign finance rules.. [1.5s]

BONNIWELL [00:28:42] Yeah, right! there you go!

HAYDEN [00:28:44] Well, and let me ask you this, because we’re talking really about a small group of people. This is not a big group.

GOODLAND [00:28:48] Correct, no.

HAYDEN [00:28:49] [00:28:49]So, can you be your own consultant? In other words, if I form a committee to do something, can I then pay myself out of the money I raise as a consultant? [8.5s]

GOODLAND [00:28:58] [00:28:58]Yes. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:28:58] [00:28:58]Okay. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:28:58] [00:28:58]Yes. Yes, but — and the committees that I’ve seen do that — and I spend way too much time playing with Tracer, I’ve got to tell you. I need an intervention or something. Lots and lots of committees will have someone that’s being paid to do the work, whether it’s doing the Tracer filings, or running the office, or whatever. It’s not unusual to see a person who’s running a committee to pay themselves as a consultant for doing that kind of thing. The problem that the ‘Official Recall Polis’ group had, is that the monies that they paid out to those three individuals, they had never paid them a penny prior to those checks for any other work. [42.5s]

HAYDEN [00:29:41] Right.

GOODLAND [00:29:42] And that’s where it sort of doesn’t meet the smell test right as to whether this was a consultant payment or a gift.

BONNIWELL [00:29:50] Right. Well, and they made it clear–.

GOODLAND [00:29:51] They made it clear that it was a gift, even in the updated filing it still comes off as a gift.

BONNIWELL [00:29:54] Yes.

HAYDEN [00:29:54] And they just give it to themselves. And in the meantime, again, they’ve created this other–.

GOODLAND [00:30:00] This other — [00:30:00]Juliandra has this other committee that she controls. So, if she’s smart –. [6.2s]

HAYDEN [00:30:07] [00:30:07]Well, she’s canny, at least. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:30:08] [00:30:08]Well, she can transfer it to another committeee. If she wanted to, I think she could probably send it off to the RNC to put toward the Trump campaign. [9.7s]

BONNIWELL [00:30:18] [00:30:18]Well, she’s not doing that. [0.2s]

GOODLAND [00:30:18] [00:30:18]Well, that remains to be seen, as we say.  [3.8s]

HAYDEN [00:30:22] Well, let me let me ask you —  because this, to me, raises a.broader question of which — and Chuck, you were hinting at it — is that, you know, [00:30:30]very little is actually done when campaign finance laws are violated. [2.7s]

GOODLAND [00:30:33] [00:30:33]Very little. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:30:33] Yeah, you get — Matt Arnold, who spends years of his life trying to get it done, people ignore it.

BONNIWELL [00:30:40] This one –. No, wait a minute! This one, in fact, the Democrats who really were highly active in resisting Polis — I mean, the Polis recall — they even filed ethics complaints saying that, you know, their their idea of 1999 was–.

GOODLAND [00:30:54] That was a campaign finance complaint, not an ethics complaint.

BONNIWELL [00:30:56] Yeah! Okay, yeah, a campaign finance complaint — saying you can’t do that, which quite frankly, that means that probably every politician in Colorado is in violation.

GOODLAND [00:30:58] Well, the rule is, if [00:30:58]you give a committee $20, you have to be identified by name, occupation, and address. [15.1s]

HAYDEN [00:31:14] [00:31:14]Right. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:31:15] [00:31:15]And the name of your employer. The claim that these — what they called the ‘Polis Penny’– and this was actually a complaint filed against the ‘Dismiss’ group, okay? — was that if you gave the committee $20, they gave you a penny back. [8.5s]

HAYDEN [00:31:28] Right.

GOODLAND [00:31:29] [00:31:29]Well, and in lots and lots of conversations that I had with Karen Kataline, their spokesperson, they gave those pennies out to all kinds of people. This was not a way–. [9.1s]

HAYDEN [00:31:38] [00:31:38]It wasn’t a way to make it less than $20 dollars! [1.6s]

GOODLAND [00:31:40] [00:31:40]It was not an attempt to–. [1.4s]

HAYDEN [00:31:42] [00:31:42]–avoid–. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:31:42] [00:31:42]–skirt the disclosure laws. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:31:44] Right. I think it was just a PR thing.

BONNIWELL [00:31:46] Although I can–.

GOODLAND [00:31:46] And the [00:31:46]secretary of state dismissed that complaint. [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:31:46] Right.

BONNIWELL [00:31:46] Yeah, well, and people — I can — I’ve been in lots of campaigns. And they go, “I will give you $20.” And they say, “Well, then, you’ll have to do all of this reporting.” [00:31:46]And so how do I avoid that? He gives $19.99,. and they give him a penny. That is standard operating procedure. [14.5s]

GOODLAND [00:32:01] [00:32:01]Not as common as you might think. In fact, it–.[1.9s]

BONNIWELL [00:32:03] Well, I’ve run hundreds of campaigns, and I’ve seen everyone do it.  So, if it’s not common, I don’t know what it is.

HAYDEN [00:32:09] But I think her point is, is that this — the good Polis people, this was not a ruse that they were running. It was more of a–.

BONNIWELL [00:32:09] Well, like most campaigns run that ruse, because you tell people–.

HAYDEN [00:32:09] I understand, Chuck, but–

BONNIWELL [00:32:09] Well, wait a minute! You tell they’re going to have to do all this disclosure if they — for $20. They say, “How do I avoid that?” You give us $19.99. and they say, “Give me a penny back.” And they avoid it.  And you’ll see $19.99 contributions in Polis’s campaign, you’ll see it in Hickenlooper’s campaign, you will see it in Cory Gardner’s campaign, you will see it in every large campaign there is. And for them to file a campaign finance [00:32:40]one, it shows you how aggressive they were. [1.6s]

HAYDEN [00:32:42] Huh.

BONNIWELL [00:32:43] They were highly aggressive.

GOODLAND [00:32:43] Absolutely! Look at how much money they raised to fight these recalls.

BONNIWELL [00:32:45] Right.

HAYDEN [00:32:45] Right. And these are the people fighting the recall. When we come back, I want to ask you — So, I mean, because to me it appears — and I’ll just say this — my suspiscion is that this bad Recall Polis group simply existed to raise money for these people to distribute to themselves, which they did.

BONNIWELL [00:33:01] Well, maybe they didn’t start out that way.

GOODLAND [00:33:03] I don’t think they started out that way.

BONNIWELL [00:33:04] Yeah.

HAYDEN [00:33:04] But, it became–. But, how do, then, — I mean, what do you do about that, I guess is the–.

BONNIWELL [00:33:08] [00:33:08]No, you don’t hire Scott Gessler, quite frankly — I mean, Scott has his own controversy — but you don’t hire Scott Gessler because you’re planning to run a con, because he would  — generally speaking — not want to get paid by a con group. [10.4s]

GOODLAND [00:33:19] [00:33:19]That’s one of the things that I’m fascinated by. They have one of the best campaign finance experts in the entire state. [6.6s]

BONNIWELL [00:33:27] [00:33:27]Yes, right. [0.2s]

GOODLAND [00:33:27] [00:33:27] And they’re doing this kind of stuff?  [1.1s]

BONNIWELL [00:33:29] Right, right.

HAYDEN [00:33:29] And who knows what they’re telling him, or not telling him.  Hey, we’ve got to save that to when we come back.  Julie Hayden, Chuck Bonniwell, and Marianne Goodland talking about the bad Recall Polis group. And we’ll have more when we come back.

[00:33:39] [commercial break].

BONNIWELL [00:33:48] All right. Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden, with Marianne Goodland, the great reporter for Colorado Politics, talking about the bad Polis- and the good Polis- –.

HAYDEN [00:33:56] –Recall groups.

BONNIWELL [00:33:57] –Recall groups and all that is–.;.

HAYDEN [00:33:58] [00:33:58]Well, I want to go to the bad Polis Polis group.  So, let’s go over that again, too. So, you’re — because it’s, you know, if we can pick on Jared Polis — and I know that’s not your point, but we’re happy to. So, he has his own –. Some questions that you brought up at the beginning of the show — let’s just go over that again. . So, people are raising money to fight the recall efforts. [21.4s]

GOODLAND [00:34:21] [00:34:21]But the money doesn’t necessarily wind up in the pockets of the people working on the — and this is the anti-recall efforts. [6.4s]

HAYDEN [00:34:27] [00:34:27]– the anti-recall–.  And they ended up in Polis’s campaign? [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:34:27] [00:34:27]Polis’s campaign committee. If you follow — and I followed the links because I wanted to see where it was going. And it went to his campaign. But the thing that’s interesting about this is, he doesn’t –. He hasn’t filed for re-election for 2022. [15.6s]

HAYDEN [00:34:44] [00:34:44]So, what does he need a campaign for? [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:34:45] Well, [00:34:45]and I asked that question, too. And apparently, the way the rules work is that you continue to file campaign finance reports for the committee, but what the candidate does is kind of a separate thing. So, he hasn’t filed [15.5s] — in fact, there is only one person who has actually filed to run for governor In 2022.

HAYDEN [00:35:01] Who’s that?

GOODLAND [00:35:01] Greg Lopez.

HAYDEN [00:35:01] Oh, that’s right!

BONNIWELL [00:35:01] We had him on. We had him on earlier.

HAYDEN [00:35:09] We had him on with that.

GOODLAND [00:35:10] He is the only person, so far, who has filed for the governor’s race in 2022. And he just filed, here, within the last month, I think.

BONNIWELL [00:35:16] Well, you know that most of the time when people are, you know, shifting money off to themselves and all those [00:35:21]things, it’s because they don’t have much money. Polis–[2.0s]

HAYDEN [00:35:25] [00:35:25]–has money! [0.1s]

BONNIWELL [00:35:25] [00:35:25]– has plenty of money! I mean, there’s no lack of money on that side![0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:35:28] [00:35:28]Well, you have got to remember that Polis has limited all campaign donations to his committee to $100 or less. [4.7s]

HAYDEN [00:35:35] Oh.

GOODLAND [00:35:35] So, we’re not talking about, you know, $5,000 donati– well, you can’t make that kind of–. Your maximum allowed, I think, is $1150, $1175 — something like that.  $1150?  So, he’s not getting $1,000 contributions, or even $500 contributions from people because he has made it a point of limiting those donations.

HAYDEN [00:35:53] Okay. Well, we’ll see.  So, he has — just to clarify, so, for people can keep an eye on this — then he has two weeks–.

GOODLAND [00:36:00] Well, [00:36:01]in about two weeks, the committee’s next Tracer report — which is the campaign finance system that the secretary of state maintains.  In two weeks, we’re supposed to see that next report, and we’ll know whether he took any of that money — assuming that he had money come in, and why not? [16.6s]

HAYDEN [00:36:18] Right.

GOODLAND [00:36:19] [00:36:19]– [we’ll] see if he sent any of that money over to these two other commitees, — [3.4s]

HAYDEN [00:36:23] [00:36:23]He probably kept it. [0.0s]

BONNIWELL [00:36:23] [00:36:23]right, right. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:36:23] [00:36:23]– which also have campaign finance reporting deadlines set at roughly the same time. [4.3s]

HAYDEN [00:36:28] Right.

BONNIWELL [00:36:28] Well, let me–. We’ve got you here, and you’re such a wealth of knowledge on so many things.

GOODLAND [00:36:28] Thank you.

BONNIWELL [00:36:28] [00:36:28]What is your view of 2020? [7.2s] I mean, we have our own view of 2020.

GOODLAND [00:36:36] Of which? of what?

BONNIWELL [00:36:43] Of the — three things.

GOODLAND [00:36:44] Let’s — let’s –.

HAYDEN [00:36:44] We’ve got about 5 minutes.

BONNIWELL [00:36:44] I know! The Senatorial race–.

HAYDEN [00:36:44] In Colorado.

BONNIWELL [00:36:44] — in Colorado — and the state [senate] and House race in Colorado.


GOODLAND [00:36:53] That my focus. There are other people at Colorado Politics that handle the U.S. Senate and the presidential race and all that.

HAYDEN [00:36:59] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:36:59] I don’t get that much into it. What I do get into is the state House and Senate races. [00:37:05]And I think we have a very, very interesting situation shaping up for the state Senate. You have two sort of top tier races that the Democrats are targeting, and one or two [– and two top tier races that the Republicans are targeting. And then there’s a secondary tier race that’s also–. So, you have these five races that are going to be key. [21.9s]

BONNIWELL [00:37:28] [00:37:28]Well, you said two and two. What’s the fifth one? [0.2s]

HAYDEN [00:37:28] [00:37:28]Four top teir and the second one. [0.0s]

GOODLAND [00:37:28] [00:37:28]Two — okay, and one second tier, that I know of. And some of this is based on reporting that we’ve already done. The top targets for the Democrats are the seats in Henderson, that are held by Kevin Priola, and the seat that Jack Tate in Centennuial is walking away from.  He decided not to run for re-election. [16.2s] .

HAYDEN [00:37:45] Okay.

BONNIWELL [00:37:45] Right Right.

GOODLAND [00:37:53] So — [00:37:54]and you’ve got Suzanne Staiert, the former deputy secretary of state, [1.2s] —

BONNIWELL [00:37:56] Yeah, who we’ve talked about before!

GOODLAND [00:37:56] [00:37:56]–who is running for that. And we’ve got at least one Democrat, i think, has filed for it. We’re kind of waiting to see whether Tom Sullivan throws his name in for it. He’s riding the wave right now,–[12.8s]

HAYDEN [00:38:08] Right.

GOODLAND [00:38:11] [00:38:11]–both from the recall efforts, his sponsorship of red flag, all that kind of stuff. [2.3s]

HAYDEN [00:38:14] Right. You might want to — If I were him, I’d stay where he is.

BONNIWELL [00:38:16] Well, that’s boring!

GOODLAND [00:38:16] Well, he might — given that –.

BONNIWELL [00:38:16] He’d make a good candidate, I think..

GOODLAND [00:38:16] [00:38:16]Yeah, well, he’s done very well. He’s got a good selling point. What the Republicans — the seats that they’re going after — is Rachel Zenzinger’s seat in Arvada,. [15.8s]

HAYDEN [00:38:33] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:38:33] [00:38:33]And this is the one that has bounced back and forth between her and Laura Woods over last the last couple of elections. [5.7s]

HAYDEN [00:38:40] Right!

BONNIWELL [00:38:40] Yes, yes, yes.

GOODLAND [00:38:40] [00:38:40]So, that’s one of their targets. The other one — and this one fascinates me — is the seat held by Jeff Bridges down in Centennial and Arapahoe County and Greenwood Village, that — sort of that area, down there. [9.9s]

BONNIWELL [00:38:51] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:38:51] [00:38:51]And Jeff Bridges is the most aggressive campaigner you will ever meet. And for the Republicans to target him, I find interesting. He’s running for election. He replaced Daniel Kagan–[11.7s]

HAYDEN [00:39:04] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:39:04] — who resigned.

HAYDEN [00:39:04] [00:39:04]He resigned after that bathroom thing. [0.0s]


GOODLAND [00:39:04] [00:39:04]So, he’s now running for election to the Senate for the first time. [0.0s]

HAYDEN [00:39:04] Hmm.

BONNIWELL [00:39:04] He was appointed and now he’s running for– right.

GOODLAND [00:39:12] [00:39:12]He was appointed and now he has to stand for election in November 2020. The second tier seat — and this one appeals to me because of my love for rural Colorado and the southeastern portion of the state, especially — is the seat that’s held by Larry Crowder who is term limited. [8.7s]

HAYDEN [00:39:32] Okay.

GOODLAND [00:39:33] [00:39:33]And we’ve had  some action on that one.  You’ve got two Republicans already signed up to run for that and a Democrat. [6.2s]

HAYDEN [00:39:41] Ah! So, a lot going on, a lot going on.

BONNIWELL [00:39:43] Well, let me ask you about –..

HAYDEN [00:39:44] Wait, we’ve got like about one minute.

BONNIWELL [00:39:45] I know. Well, I’ll give a 15 second question for you. In my view, the mail balloting– the harvesting– has changed Colorado elections.

GOODLAND [00:39:53] Absolutely. Oh, absolutely!

BONNIWELL [00:39:56] Totally, and — not probably.

HAYDEN [00:39:58] I think that’s what why we’re seeing all that action in Centennial.

BONNIWELL [00:40:00] Well, but as a practical matter, I mean, the Republicans simply do not have the ability to compete with the Democrats in ballot harvesting because they simply do not have the equivalent of Planned Parenthood, CEA, the SEIU, and everything else.

GOODLAND [00:40:10] They’ve got the money. They just don’t have the ground game.

BONNIWELL [00:40:15] They have no ground game. But they’ll never have a ground game.

HAYDEN [00:40:17] That’s what we’ve been saying!

BONNIWELL [00:40:18] And you know, unless they get a ground game — or change the laws, either by court or by go into ballot — they’ll never be competitive again in a statewide race, ever. We watched in Adams County and Arapahoe County where they just delivered all the ballots at about five o’clock, where all the Adams County officials were ahead and then all of these of these picked up ones — and it was like 90-to- 1. I mean, it was just unbelievable.

HAYDEN [00:40:45] No, it’s going to be interesting. Marianne, we’ve got about 30 seconds left, so, thank you for coming on! I appreciate it.

GOODLAND [00:40:47] You’re very welcome!

BONNIWELL [00:40:50] I didn’t get to ask you about the Colorado Ethics Commission. I’m sure a lot of — we’ll have to have you back for that!

HAYDEN [00:40:56] Ohh!

BONNIWELL [00:40:56] That’s right! John Hickenlooper is still –.

GOODLAND [00:40:58] We’re still waiting to see– we’re waiting to see a formal hearing to be set for these ethics complaints.

BONNIWELL [00:41:05] Right.

GOODLAND [00:41:05]  This — there been some interesting activity going on with that. There was an investigative report that was completed back in June. And usually, when they complete those reports, they turn them over to each party, and then presumably one of them would give that to me. And I get to see [unintelligible].

HAYDEN [00:41:24] But listen, the music is playing. So we’re going to have to leave everybody on the edge of their seats on that.

BONNIWELL [00:41:28] It’s been great to have you!

GOODLAND [00:41:28] Just watch Colorado Politics.

BONNIWELL [00:41:28] Absolutely.

GOODLAND [00:41:28] I will report when there is something that happens

BONNIWELL [00:41:29] All right. That’s a great idea for you to do.

HAYDEN [00:41:35] All right. Thank you very much. Chuck and Julie, here. We’ll be right back.